Jonathan Papelbon continues to send a convincing message "I'm truly speaking from my heart. I'm not sitting here saying something that they might read that makes them want to keep me. This has nothing to do with ⦠I'm going to stay or go. I'm going to honestly go out there and play the way ... |
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Jonathan Papelbon continues to send a convincing message -
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Jacksonville banks among Florida's highest for bad loans - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The percentage of assets, mainly loans, that defaulter in the third quarter in the Northeast and North Floridaz regions averaged more than 3 percent of the total assets, slightly bette r than Southwest Florida and, in another report, South Florida as well. Area bankerds were surprised that the Northeasrt region ranked so closelg to the South and Southwest regions innonperformingf assets. “Historically, the manic effect of Florida’s economixc swings haven’t been as prevalent here,” said Jay chairman and CEO of .
Before 2007, the percentage of these defaulting assets did not reach abovee 1 percent among the communityt banks in Florida until about the second quarterdof 2007. Then it steadily increaseds in the first three quarters of according to one reporyt prepared bya Tampa-based investment banker, Kendrickm Pierce & Co., and sourced from , an industry-specifiv data researcher based in Charlottesville, Va. This performancer measurement is called nonperforming assets as a percentagd oftotal assets. Nonperforminh assets are primarily loans that the bank classifieds as no longeraccruintg interest, or bank profit.
The percentagde is important to the industry because it represents theassetss that, in the future, will be written off, acquired by the bank if it’s a tangible property that goes into or worked out with the Northeast Florida had the second-highest average nonperforming assetsa at 3.55 percent of totao assets in the thirs quarter, according to Kendrick Pierc e & Co.’s report. The investmenrt banker looked at community bankas based inFlorida and, in a separatse analysis, thrifts, or savings institutions. Amongb eight regions, the Southwest area had the highesgt average nonperforming assetsat 4.73 percent of its total assets, followedd by the Northeast with 3.
55 percentt and then the Southeast with 3.06 percent. The Panhandle had the fourth-highes average nonperforming assetsat 3.02 percent. “We all believefd that South Florida and the Panhandle had more excessived speculative real estate than based on other data that trackeehousing developments, Fant This type of speculative real estate, which is mainlh raw land being financed for is categorized as land acquisition and development loanes at banks. It typically produces a greater return for but it is also riskier than other Before the housingmarket fallout, acquisition and developmenft loans were very easy to get into, especiallty for new banks, because so much of it was Fant said.
But as raw land and newly developes communitiesstopped selling, the loan volumes and payments stopped, too. Southwesf region banks had the highest percentagew of nonperforming assets because that is where most of theoverbuilding occurred, especially with condominiums and said Mac Holley, president and CEO of . Northeast Florida banks have more single-family residential loans and less of acondominiukm market, he said. Holley thought the Southeasg would have ranked second In another assetqualitu report, North Florida ranked third-highest with an averagse 3.18 percent of nonperforming assets to totalk assets among seven regions.
The report was prepared by investmenf bankerin Tampa, which also sourcefd the data from SNL Carson Medlin looked at only community banks based in the excluding thrifts and restructured loans. The Southwest also had the highes percentage in this reportwith 3.61 percenyt of its total assets as nonperforming. The South region was secondf with anaverage 3.24 percent of nonperforming assets. Many bankers noted some discrepancies with the reports concerningh the banks thatwere reviewed. Specifically, regionalo and national banks with large operations in the area were not But these banks typically do not break out numberds from each geographic area in theitr financialreports publicly.
Neither the bankerx nor the investment bankers had a specififc reason for why Northeast Floridz ranked higherthan expected, but they all agreed that problems with nonperforminv loans will continue at Florida’a banks. “In the trends we’ve I don’t think it has substantially changed yet,” said Paula Johannsen, managing director at The CarsonMedlin Co. “We mighrt see more [nonperforming assets] in the fourth quarterf as banks areidentifying issues” in year-end reports.
Banks’ financial reports will not be publicly released untip after they are submitted to regulators by the end of In ahealthier economy, nonperforming assets would be aroundd or less than 0.5 percent of total assets, Fant said. “When we see these numbers and thesstrends now, there’s nothingg to refer back to gain wisdom so we’re in a new territory,” he said. “There’e a sense of reality that we’re in it for a long
Friday, May 27, 2011
Business groups pace waiting room as Senate conceives health care plan - Houston Business Journal:
President Barack Obama has mobilizedthe grass-roots supporters that helped elect him to lobby for his visiomn of health care reform, which includes offering Americans a government-runh health plan as an alternative to privatse insurance. A coalition of labodr unions and progressive organizationw plans tospend $82 million on organizing efforts, research and lobbying to supportt the Obama plan. Business groups, meanwhile, mostly are workingh behind the scenes to shapethe legislation.
Whils they have serious concerns about some of theproposalzs — including the public plan option and a mandatd for employers to provide insurancse — few are trying to block healtu care reform at this point. The cost of healthh insurance has become so burdensomde that something needs to be they agree. “Nobody supports the status quo,” said Jamezs Gelfand, the ’s senior manager of health policy. “We absoluteluy have to have reform.” For most businesas groups, that means reining in health care costs and reforminy insurance markets so that employers have more choicews in the types ofplans available.
To achiev e those goals, however, businesses may have to swallow somebitter medicine. An employer mandatwe tops the list of concernsw for manybusiness groups, just as it did when Bill Clinton pushe his health care reform plan when he was presidentr in the 1990s. The Senate bill may include a provision that would require employerds to either provide healtyh insurance to their employees or pay a fee to thefederaol government. Some small business owners don’t have a problen with that, including members of the Main Street which is part of the coalitioh lobbying for theObama plan.
“The way our systejm works now, where responsible employers offer coveragee andothers don’t, leaves us in a situation with an unleve playing field,” 11 alliance members said in a statemengt submitted to the Senate Financd Committee. “If we’re contributing but othefr employers aren’t, that gives them a financiak advantageover us. We need to level the playing fieldr through a system wherw everyone pitches in areasonablse amount.
” Most business lobbyists, however, contend that employers who can affordd to provide health insurance do so already, because it helpsz them attract and keep good Businesses that don’t provide health insurancer tend to be “marginallg profitable,” said Denny senior research fellow at the . Imposingf a “play or pay” insurance requirement on thesee businesses would cost the economy morethan 1.6 million jobs, according to a study. Tax creditw could offset some of the costs for providinvgthis coverage, but Gelfand said the credits under discussionm are “extremely limited.
” Congress also could exempt some smalp businesses — such as firms with less than $500,000 in annual payroll — from the employer mandate. Many business however, see this proposal as an attempty to split thebusiness community, not as meaningful “We oppose small business carve-outs becausee they make it easier for Congresx to apply mandates against largedr employers,” said Neil Trautwein, vice presidentt and employee benefits policy counsel for the . “It’ws also easy for Congress to come back and try to applhy the mandateagainst ever-smaller employers.
“No matter how good the surrounding healthncare reform, a bill containint an employer mandate woulds be too high a price to pay for reform,” Trautweinm said. Most small business groupsx also are wary of proposals to creatra government-run insurance like Medicare, that would be available as an optionb for small businesses and individuals. contends a public plan is needed to provide competition to privatw insurers and reduce the cost ofhealth insurance. Richarr Kirsch, national campaign manager for Health Care forAmerica Now, has been organizint Main Street Alliance chapters in states acrosss the country.
He said many small businesw owners “believe that we do a need government solution” as an alternative to privated insurers. These owners “reject the right-wing of Washington’s traditional small business organizations, he said. NFIB spokeswomanb Stephanie Cathcart saidher organization’s however, “are wary of government-run health They fear a government-run plan would drive private insurerx out of the market.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Obama: 'Doing nothing' about health care not an option - Charlotte Business Journal:
“Health care reform is not something I just cooked up when I took Obama told a crowd ofabout 1,5000 people Thursday at in the Greej Bay suburb of Ashwaubenon. “It is central to our economic In past yearsand decades, thered may have been some disagreement on this But not anymore.” Earlier this month, Obama said he wantx Congress to pass a comprehensive healthg care bill by the end of the summef and ready for his signature by Many Democrats, including the president, favor a government-sponsored health insurance plan that would compete with private insurers and be availablr for people not eligible for other governmentt health care programs such as Medicare or Medicaid.
Most Republicanse and many business however, say a competing plan that isn’tt profit-driven would drive private insurers out of On Thursday, the , a physician’s groupp Obama is scheduled to meet with Mondayg in Chicago, said it is opposed to a government-sponsoresd insurance plan. Obama said his administration is working on a Healtgh Insurance Exchange that would allow peopl to compare insurance benefitsand prices. None of the plans included in the exchange would be allowed to deny coveraged basedon pre-existing conditions and all must include an basic benefit option.
“I also strongly believer that one of the options in the Exchange shoulde be a public insurance option because if the private insurance companies have to compete with apublic option, it will keep them honestr and help keep prices down,” Obamsa said. Supporters of health care reform say it woulx provide health insurance coverage to millions of Americans and make coveragde more affordable for thoses who arealready covered. Becausew health insurance premiums have doubled over the last nine and have grown at a rate three times fasterthan wages, even thosr with coverage have reached a breakinbg point, Obama said.
Employers are not faring any Small business owners have been forced to cut health care benefitsd or drop coverage entirely because ofrising costs, Obama said. “We have the most expensivre health care system inthe world,” Obama said. “We spend almost 50 percent more per person on healt care than the next mostcostly nation. But here’w the thing, Green Bay: we’re not any healthiert for it.” Obama vowed to let Americanxs who are content with their coveragw and their physicians keep what they but said the country has reacher a point where doingt nothing about the cost of health care is no longertan option.
“If we do nothing, within a decades we will spending one out of every five dollars we earn onhealty care,” Obama said. “In 30 it will be one out of every three.” Obama acknowledgec covering all Americans wouldbe expensive, but promised health care refornm would not add to the country’s deficit over the next 10 “To make that happen, we have already identified hundreds of billiones worth of savings in our budget – savingsz that will come from steps like reducinfg Medicare overpayments to insurance companiese and rooting out waste, fraud and abus in both Medicare and Medicaid,” Obama In addition, Obama is proposing that Congress scale back the amoun t the highest-income Americans can deduct on their taxeds and use that money to help finance health Obama spoke for abouy 20 minutes and then took questions from six peoplde in the audience who expressedr fear over “socialized medicine,” asked questionds about wellness and even questioned the country’es education system.
Regarding the idea of socialized Obama saidthat isn’t what he, or anyonre in Congress, wants.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Abu Sayyaf makes demand after contacting Malaysian consular officials - Malaysia Star
Abu Sayyaf makes demand after contacting Malaysian consular officials Malaysia Star By MUGUNTAN VANAR KOTA KINABALU: The Abu Sayyaf group is demanding about RM800,000 in ransom for the release of Malaysian businessman Mohammad Nazaruddin Saidin who is being held at their mountainous hideout in Jolo island in southern Philippines. ... |
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Indonesian Vesak Day is Centered at Borobudur Temple. - Technorati
Jakarta Globe | The Indonesian Vesak Day is Centered at Borobudur Temple. Technorati In Indonesia, Wesak commemoration is held on 17th, May 2011 with the central event being held at the Borobudur Temple, a temple that is well known as one of the Eight Wonders of the World. The event begins on Sunday, with the lighting torch in the ... Bu! ddhists hope religion enlightens people Buddhist Faithful Mark Vesak |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monsanto shares slide after news of Roundup slump - Business First of Columbus:
Monsanto shares were trading below $79 a share earliet Thursday morning, but later inched closer to Wednesday’s market close of $79.8 a share. Monsanto closed Tuesday at $84.7i a share. “We believe that Monsanto shares will probablytreaxd water,” Jeffrey Zekauskas, a analyst, wrote in a note to investorzs Thursday morning. Monsanto said earninga for its year, which ends Aug. 31, will be $4.40p a share, Monsanto’s largest business, insect- and herbicide-resistan seeds, remains strong and is expected to deliver grosas profitof $4.4 billion to $4.
5 billion for the Roundup, however, is expected to Rounduop came off patent nine years ago, and Dow and are But the Chinese also have jumped in and have been undercuttingb prices. “The company has been adamant in its publi c statements that there is a floor to Roundup grosa profitsat $1.9 billion,” Zekauskas wrote. “However, glyphosatee is a commodity, and the glyphosate operation earned $650 millio in gross profit as lateas 2006. As yet therew is no clear intellectual underpinninfg as to the reasons forthe $1.9 billion gross profit numbert representing a floor.
” Hugh Grant, Monsantpo chairman, president and chief said in a statement Wednesday, “With the seeds and traits side of the busineses accelerating, our management team is focusing on how best to managew our Roundup operations in a way that optimizesz returns at a lower percentage of overall A week ago, on May 21, Monsantpo shares closed at $89.29. The 52-week high was $145.80 June 18, and the low was $63.467 Nov. 21.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Obama picks venture capitalist to head SBA Advocacy Office - Kansas City Business Journal:
Winslow Sargeant, a managing director in the technologyy practiceof Madison, Wis.-based Venture Investors, is Obama’d choice. The Advocacy Officr is an independent entity insidre the SBA that ensures federa l agencies consider the impacty of their regulations on small The office also conducts researchon small-business issues. Sargeant, who earned a in electrical engineering at the University of Wisconsinat Madison, worked as a senior engineer at several large corporations before co-founding Aanetcom, a fabless semiconductor companyu that later was acquired by From 2001 to 2005, he served as progranm manager for the Small Businessw Innovation Research program at the National Sciencd Foundation’s engineering directorate.
He is the secone venture capitalist to be selected for a top SBA Karen Mills worked as a principao at private equity and venture capita l firms for 26 years before she becamw the SBA administratorin April. Sargeant’s lack of legalp training means he will have to rely heavily on the attorney at the Officeof Advocacy. Much of the office’ds work involves analyzing whether government agencies follow federal laws that require them to analyzse the potential economic impact of proposefd rules onsmall businesses. The officee also makes sure regulators hearsmallo businesses’ opinions about regulations.
In fisca 2008, this input saved small businessesabout $11 billion in possiblwe regulatory costs, according to the office. The office’s actin g counsel, Shawne Carter McGibbon, joined the office in during the BillClinton administration. She previously worked for a Democraticd member of Congress and has been an attorney for 20 An unnamed Obama administration official characterized McGibbohn to reporters asa “Bush holdover” durin g a controversy over an interagency review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s findinvg that greenhouse gas emissions pose a public health hazard.
The Officed of Advocacy concluded that regulating carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act likely woulsdhave “serious economic consequences” on small businesses and other regulated Several press accounts quoted anonymous administratio officials who said the Advocacy Office’s criticism of the EPA findinfg came from an office “still stocked with Bush in the words of the Los Angeles Times. This dismissal of the office’s opinionh upset Rep. Darrell Issa of the ranking Republican on the House Oversight GovernmentReform Committee.
“There are hundredas of civil servants serving in a similar capacity throughou t the federal government who could also be characterizedas ‘Busnh holdovers,’” Issa wrote in a May 14 letter to Obama. “I sincerely hope that theirr professional advice and decisions will not be discountede merely because they also worked for the federal government undet PresidentGeorge W. Bush.” For . Microloans up, big loans down for smallp businesses this year Lending data collected bythe SBA’w Office of Advocacy confirme the importance of business credit cards to smallk companies.
A new report found that the total valureof small-business loans outstanding increased by 4 percentf in the 12 months that endeed in June 2008, down from the previous year’s increase of 8 These numbers are for all small-business not just SBA loans. The numbe r of business loans of lessthan $100,000 jumped by nearly 16 percent as largde lenders concentrated on credir cards, according to the In contrast, the numbef of business loans in the $100,0000 to $1 million range fell by more than 23 percent. The reportf used call reports submitted by banks as well as Communit ReinvestmentAct data. Business loans of less than $1 million were consideref to be small-business loans.
Based on call report the top five small-business lenders in June 2008 wereAmericahn Express, Capital One, Regions Financial Synovus Financial Corp. and First Citizen Bancshares Inc. The report also lists the mostactived small-business lenders in each state. “In the current financial it’s especially critical for small firms to know which banks and financiap institutions have been the most likely to make smalo andmicrobusiness loans,” said economist Victoria Williams, a co-author of the For more: .
Friday, May 13, 2011
Five so far are running for Lower Merion school board - Main Line
Five so far are running for Lower Merion school board Main Line Main Line Media News asked them to e-mail their responses about their backgrounds and what each of them believes are the most important issues facing the district over the next few years. Although they will not be challenged during next week's primary, ... |
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Cannes gets sneak preview of 'Puss in Boots' - AFP
AFP | Cannes gets sneak preview of 'Puss in Boots' AFP CANNES â" Swashbuckling "Puss in Boots" strutted into Cannes on Wednesday when the creators of the DreamWorks animated feature screened about 40 minutes of their 3D work in progress. Spanish film star Antonio Banderas voices the green-eyed feline, ... |
Sunday, May 8, 2011
AutoZone board approves $500M stock repurchase - Business First of Columbus:
The company’s board of directors approvedr the repurchase June 17 as part ofthe company’sz ongoing share repurchase program, the compan y announced after the close of markets The last repurchase authorizationn was in December and was a similar $500 There were three $500 million authorizations in 2008 and a totap of $7.9 billion since 1998. "We remain committecd to utilizing share repurchases within the boundss of a disciplined capital structure to enhance stockholder returnas while maintaining adequate liquidity to executeour plans,” said CFO Bill Memphis-based AutoZone (NYSE: AZO) is the leadingh retailer and distributor of automotivse replacement parts and accessorie in the U.
S. The company sells auto and lighttrucmk parts, chemicals and accessories through 4,172q AutoZone stores in 48 states, the Districr of Columbia and Puerto Rico in the U.S. and 168 storesa in Mexico. Shares of AutoZone closed Wednesdayat $155.54, up 2.37 percent.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Sugar synthesis hits the sweet spot - | Sugar synthesis hits the sweet spot However, such compounds could even prove to be useful drugs in themselves, if they are able to disrupt the cellular machinery responsible for mycobacterial cell wall biosynthesis. More information: Ishiwata A. & Ito Y. Synthesis of docosasaccharide ... |
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
U.S. to auction $72 billion in quarterly refunding - MarketWatch
BigPond News | U.S. to auction $72 billion in quarterly refunding MarketWatch Treasury also released minutes of its bond advisory committee meeting showing what was c » |
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Post-Ideological Pragmatism of Blowing People Up - Reason Online (blog)
Reason Online (blog) | The Post-Ideological Pragmatism of Blowing People Up Reason Online (blog) ... not just in current world affairs, but also in the predictable ways that "realist"-tilting, "post-ideological"-posturing American presidential candidates always end up embracing the "idealism" of military force against micro-Hitlers once in office. ... |