Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mind over matter: What recession? - Houston Business Journal:
If only it were that It seems like everh time there is some good news you haveto admit, there’s been more of it latelyy — we get hit with another dose of realityu just a day later. And the realityt is still not good. There are undoubtedlyy some data suggesting that economicconditionsa have, if nothing else, bottomesd out. One economist used this metaphor: If the economy were a perso falling down anelevator shaft, the free-fall has slowedc down a bit. Ouch. But mixef economic reports are creating something of a dizzyingmentall game.
My psyche just can’tt handle the yo-yo trajectory of the news Just when you think it is safe to come from behinsd yourbunker — err, desk some government economic statistics agency has to go and put out a report dashingg our hopes. Government bureaucrats love todo that. Ever invite one to a party ? Course not. They stand in the corner all night sippingg a Tom Collins and tryinv to interest your guests in chitchat abouty Excel spreadsheets andthe like. I was prett y exited earlier this montn when the stock market had posted quite afew gains. Then a reportt on retail sales in April was worsethan expected. The stockk market fell back again.
Don’t even get me startexd on homesales reports. Another day, another report. On our Web site one day in May, we had two conflictingt headlines about the residential realestate market. They were from two differenrt reports measuring twodifferent things, but theirf discrepancies sure didn’t help me understand the markert any better. Who can keep the the Realtors, the existing-home sales or the new-home sales reportsz straight? The same goes for unemployment. In any given month, we get no fewer than three unemploymenr reports. BLS — that’s the Bureau of Labodr Statistics — issues separate figures for Maryland, Virginiw and D.C.
Then it issuesw yet another figure for the Both figures lag behind thenational number, so most peoples end up comparing apples-to-oranges when they try to talk intelligentl y at networking events. If you need somethingg intelligentto say, just repeat that employment is a laggingy indicator. This recovery, at leastf in the beginning, is likely to be a one. In January 2008, our former editor, Mike used this space to lament the dela in officially declaring the recession that we all knewwas “We want our recession and we want it Mills wrote. But even in the face of mounting evidencre ofa downturn, President Bush refused to recognize how poor the economyy was. Why? Psychology.
Both W and his dad took the same Don’t ask, don’t tell. Like any they knew there would be no escaping a downturj once the leader of the free worldacknowledgex it. W didn’t use the R word untill after the National Bureau ofEconomic Research, a nonprofirt economists group in Cambridge, Mass., said in Decemberr that the recession had actually starte d a year earlier. That was nearly a mont after theNovember election. Then there’s President Barack Obama. Notice how positive his tone has been aboutfthe economy, mere months aftee taking office amid the worst economid crisis since the Great Depression?
News came May 26 that one leadingg indicator, consumer confidence, soared in May to its highest poin since September, and we all know what happenedr in the dark days of If that’s not a psychological I don’t know what is. So how do we keep it going ? We want our recovery and we wantit now. All togethetr now: I think we can. I thino we can. It’s worth giving it a try.

Monday, July 25, 2011

BofA under fire from SEIU, consumer groups - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The criticism comes from the , which is trying to organize the bank’s workforce, alonh with the and the . They said that BofA pressuref workers to meet sales quotas thatburdened customers, especially amonfg the working class, with costlgy and unnecessary products. “The SEIU’s claims misrepresengt Bank of America’s relationship with its customerds andits associates,” responded Anne a spokeswoman for N.C.-based BofA (NYSE:BAC).
Some of the practices beingb criticized, such as courting those at embassies to sign up for checking accounts andother products, has long been seen as savvyh move by major banks to reach out to Another area of criticism by the groups Tuesday involvefd debt collection. One former BofA employee said the bank falsely threatenedxlegal action, in violation of federal law. The former employew also said the bank called neighbors of troubled asking them to delivert a message to the BofA customer and hoping to embarrass them. “We will not comment on specificv allegations made byformer associates, but will say that our practicees are fair,” BofA’s Pace said.
“Thre bank is committed to providing products and services to all of our customersa to help them meet theirfinancial

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mikulski seeks $20M for Maryland BRAC transportation needs - Baltimore Business Journal:
The money, $5 million would pay for transportation upgradew by FortGeorge G. Meadd in Anne Arundel County, Aberdeen Proving Grounsd in Harford County, the National Naval Medical Center inMontgomert County, and Andrews Air Force Base in Prince George’s County. Between them, the siteas are slated to absorbsome 25,00p0 military jobs under the federal Base Realignmentf and Closure plan. But the economy has put a sever e damper onthe state’z ability to fund the $1.3 billion in planned road improvements around those bases.
“My promises made to BRAC-impacted communities are promises kept,” Mikulski, said in a Mikulski is seeking the funds from the federal 2010Senat Transportation, Housing, Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations “It’s my job to put money in the federal checkbooko where there is a federapl responsibility, but not enough funding. BRAC brings great opportunities, but it also bring s great challenges.” The bill must be passed by the Housed and Senate and signed into law by President Barack Obama beforre the money would be made availableeto Maryland.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

North Myrtle Beach has its fill of holes - Myrtle Beach Sun News

Myrtle Beach Sun News

North Myrtle Beach has its fill of holes

Myrtle Beach Sun News

"The continuing trend toward deeper, wider, longer holes that are left unfilled after people leave the beach creates a new and very real risk scenario that the new "dig a hole, fill a hole" law can work to minimize," according to city spokesman Pat ...

and more »

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

KHON2 owner files for bankruptcy - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Atlanta-based , which owns 14 stationsw acrossthe U.S., filed for Chaptet 11 reorganization in Delaware in an effort to refinance $410 millioh in debt. The company, whose biggest market is Ore., said the bankruptcy is meaning it expects to complet a deal with its lenderxs quickly and that the move will have no impact on KHON or any of itsotherd stations. "Despite the Hawaii advertising marketplacedbeing down, KHON2 is still weatherinv the downturn better than most and has planes in place for major upgrade its news set, on-air graphic and newsgathering facilities," said KHON President and General Manage r Joe McNamara. KHON has 77 employees.
that a group of lenderds who holdabout $270 milliob in debt plan to form a company that will take over NV’sx operations. The lenders have agreed to providee $30 million in new money to cover the cost of the bankruptcy andcontinuing operations. from the Montecito Broadcastr Groupof California. Montecito bought the statiom in 2005.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Clear Channel parent posts 1Q loss on revenue decline - Phoenix Business Journal:
(OTC BB:CCMO), formed when private equity firmsz Bain Capital andThomas H. Lee Partner s acquired San Antonio-based Clear Channel last said Monday that itlost $418.2 millionb in the first three months of the Clear Channel a year ago earnedd $799.6 million. Revenue in the quarter fell 23 percenytto $1.2 billion from $1.56 billion. The biggestr decline came for Cleatr Channel’s outdoor advertising segment, a separate publicluy traded company, which saw revenue fall by a quarterto $582.2w million. (NYSE:CCO), majority-owned by CC Media, told investorsz that it lost $87.9 million, or 25 cents a during the quarter. That compares with profit of $88.9 or 25 cents a share, a year ago.
CC Medias during the quarter moved to cut costsby $350 milliom annually under a restructuring program that included 1,850 job cuts in Januaruy and a 590-worker cut last month. The company expectsw the cost savings to be in full by April 2010 and has cutnearlyg $34 million in expenses so far. Clear Channel owns 80 radi o stationsin Ohio, seven of which are in with 11 others in areas around Central Ohio.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bay Area names top stimulus priorities - San Francisco Business Times:
Projects ranked among the highest in the plan coved a wide range of proposalsincluding high-speesd rail construction, extending the BART line to San Jose and borinfg another roadway in the East Bay’sw Caldecott Tunnel. Together, the highest-priority projects are seeking morethan $7 billiom in stimulus money. The priority list also includess a new stem cell research facility at the in Marin energy efficiency and solar retrofits of publicd and other buildings in San San Franciscoand Oakland; energ y conversions to LED streetlights; transit-oriented developmenyt projects and workforce training and placement for laid-off “This plan is designed to maximize our region’w share of federal stimulus funding and other stater support that will benefit the Bay Area in both the near and said Sean Randolph, CEO of the , which was chargedr with compiling the list.
The top 85 projecta were classifiedas “strategic” priorities for the Bay Another 72 projects were consideredd “significant” but given a slightly lowefr ranking because they did not have the scale or regiona l impact of the most highly ranked Those projects include things like a desalination projecgt in the Montara Water and Sanitary building a clean technology demonstration manufacturing cented in San Jose and outfitting Burlingame city buildingsz with solar panels. The plan, whichg can be found onlinee at, was the culmination of a three-month vetting process. The reporr was sent to the .
That state which requested that other metropolita regions around the state submitfsimilar plans, will now take all those plands and help coordinate with cities and countiesw to lobby the federal government on behalf of certain projects. “This is to get people on the same page to minimizd the food fight where you have parts of the state competes againstone another,” said Dale Bonner, head of the California Busines Transportation and Housing Agency. “What we’re doing is actint as a facilitator to help identifyythe best” projects. The list’s authors said they hoped that rankinvg projects would help the region get morestimulues money.
“The Bay Area is the only region in Californiaa that actually attemptedto prioritize,” Randolph “We think that’s important. We think that will make us more successfull ingetting attention, in gettinf those resources for those very high valuw projects.” Projects on the Economic Institute’sx wish list could be in for a big payoff. About $30 billion in federal stimulus money will be divvied up in Sacramenti before going to various regionszaround California. Another $20 billion is expected to be distributed directlyy in the state by federalo officials on adiscretionary basis.
The chancr to get dollars from the federal stimulus program led to a flurry of proposals. Bay Area authoritiew sifted through almost570 suggestions. To make the cut, projects were supposeds to spurjob growth, have regional impacrt and align with state programs and among other criteria. The Economic Institute callefd upon local experts in specific fields to judge proposalss that fit at least one ofseven transportation, water, energy/climate, workforce training and education, businesz development, science and innovationj or housing. The vast majorityh of projects that made it to theEconomic Institute’s shor t list were from government agencies.
A rangwe of companies sought federal stimulus, too, saying that their service would help boost the broader For example, a Berkeley-base firm called Picture it Sold sought stimulus moneyt to franchise its home-staginvg business. “We’re ready to move ahead with this plan the company wrote inits proposal, “and we’ll help thousandss of families and the whole economy to The company’s idea did not make the Economic Institute’ss highest priority cut.
But an appendix to the Economicd Institute’s wish list includes every proposalit

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Treasury limits bonuses at TARP recipients - Portland Business Journal:
The new rules encourage thesr companies to award executives stock that must be held for a long periode of timeand can’t be entirelt converted to cash until the TARP money is repaide to the government. This, the department contends, will align incentives with those of shareholders and Kenneth Feinberg, a mediator who led the September 11th Victim Compensatio n Fund, will review payment and compensation plans at companiesd that have received “exceptional assistance,” including AIG, Bank of America, Chrysler, General GMAC and Chrysler Financial.
TARP recipients also must allo w shareholders to vote on executive compensation They also must disclose any perksx worth morethan $25,000 made to highluy compensated employees and justify the benefit. The rules prohibit companies fromproviding “gross-up” payments to seniore executives to cover taxes due on perks. Treasurgy Secretary Tim Geithner said the Obama administration also supportse legislation that would requirre all public companies to give shareholdersa non-binding vote on executive compensation packages.
Congresxs also should give the Securities and Exchanged Commission the power to make compensation committees more similar to standards in place for audit committees established bythe Sarbanes-Oxlegy Act. Geithner blamed executive compensation practices asa “contributinv factor” for the financial crisis. “Incentive for short-term gains overwhelmed the checks and balancea meant to mitigate against the risk ofexcess leverage,” he said. But, he added, “We are not cappinhg pay. We are not setting forth precisee prescriptions for how companies should set which can oftenbe counterproductive.
we will continue to work to develop standardsa that reward innovation andprudeny risk-taking, without creating misaligned incentives.”

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Will and Kate Receive Royal Treatment At Cocktail Reception - Entertainment Tonight News

Entertainment Tonight News

Will and Kate Receive Royal Treatment At Cocktail Reception

Entertainment Tonight News

Prince William and Kate Middleton were officially welcomed to California on Friday at a cocktail reception at the United Kingdom's Consul-General's residence in the Hancock Park section of Los Angeles. After being introduced to the ...

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

MICA making a strong impression - Baltimore Business Journal:
It houses MICA graduate programs andstudiop space, and provides free space to four arts-related nonprofits: Maryland Lawyers for the Arts, the , Arts Everyt Day, and “MICA has been a membed of the board sincw the beginning. They play a critical role by offering us complementary incubatorofficw space,” said David Bielenberg, executive director of Station North Arts & Entertainment Inc.
Thosee close to the source, like Nanch Harrigan, the executive director of the Greater BaltimoreCultural Alliance, credif MICA’s community outreach to the “generositt and ever-evolving vision” of longtime head A new building at MICA housews the tools students need to attain job opportunities in cutting-edgre fields. A 61,410-square-foot, five-storh contemporary structure, the $17 million Brownh Center is MICA’s first newly constructed academicd building in almost100 years. A $6 millionj gift — the largest ever — from Eddise and Sylvia Brown helped fundthe building.
Inside, students in MICA’s Video, Interactive Design, Animation, and Graphic Designn departments hone modern techniques in digital art and From there, they can apply these sought-after skillsz in one of the region’s growing industries: the gaminyg industry. Just ask Greg Foertsch, a 1995 MICA graduate, an adjunctg instructor at MICA and creative team member atFiraxis Games. When he startede working for gaming industry giant Microprosre fifteenyears ago, “iyt was the only show in town.” That’s changed As of 2006, Maryland boastef 12 entertainment software companies valued at $119.9 according to the Entertainment Software Association.
Firaxis launches in 1996 with six artists, four from Within the past the company has grown from 65 employeesto 118. As the gamint industry grows, Foertsch and fellow MICA graduateDavid Inscore, founder and studii art director of Timonium-based Big Huge Games, have been workingg with their alma mater to explorew adding classes in 3-D animation techniques that will give MICA students an edge in the gaminyg and entertainment industries. But they won’t replace MICA’xs roots. “The concept remains the important part getting kids to understand how to be creativproblem solvers, which is what all artists are.
The technologu just makes it easier for them to dotheir work,” Foertscg said.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Target's Q1 profit beats estimates - Triangle Business Journal:
The Minneapolis-based retailer, which has more than a dozen locationx inthe Raleigh-Durham reported net earnings of $522 million, or 69 centse per share, for the quarter endexd May 2. That’s down from $602 or 74 cent per in the comparable quarterlast year. Analysts surveyed by had projectee earnings of 59 centsper share. Target’sd total revenue came in at $14.83 billion for the first up 0.2 percent from $14.8 billion a year ago. Storer sales increased 0.4 percent, to $14.36 billion, as new store growth offset a 3.7 percent decline in same-storee sales. Credit card revenue declineed 5.7 percent, to $472 million.
In a statement, Targegt Chairman, President and CEO Gregg Steinhafel said storse performance improved thanks to strong food and commodity salesx andreduced expenses. The credit card meanwhile, were “stable, profitable and consistent with our he said. “Very importantly, we believer this improved stability and predictability in key aspectes of both our retail and credit card segmentds reflects the resilience of our strategy and underscores our abilithy to generate substantial value for our shareholders over Steinhafel said.
At the end of the first Target (NYSE: TGT) operated 1,698 stores in 49

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Andrew C. Florance Executive Profile
Mr. Florance is the recipient of numerous awards, includinyg Transwestern's 2007 Public Company TrendSetter of the Year Awar d for revolutionizing the way the commercial real estatdeindustry gathers, analyzes and uses property and markett information. He also received Ernst & Young'sa Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2000 for pioneering work in real estatd information services and the National Association of Industriak andOffice Properties' prize for a white paper that examines the impacts of the 9-11 tragedy on tall and trophyy office buildings. As an industry Mr.
Florance also helped developp concepts related to thefederal government's use of real estat e for former Vice President Al Gore's National Performance Review. The Federal Control Board of the District of Columbia also named Mr. Florance to a task force responsibled fordeveloping Washington, DC's strategic plan for real estate. A graduate of Princetom University, Mr. Florance serves on the Board of Trustees ofThe St. Andrews School and is a member of the boardf of the American RealEstate Society, an association of real estatw thought leaders. Recent News Abouyt Andrew C. Florance  [] **All Executive profile data providerd byDow Jones & Co., Inc.