Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Chinese drywall worry: Radiation - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Los Angeles Times ran an investigativrstory Tuesday, revealing that phosphogypsum, a radioactivs byproduct of phosphate fertilizer is commonly used in some Chinese-maded drywall. Phosphogypsum is found in abundancesin Florida, where the bulk of Chinesde drywall complaints have been logged. A white powdery it is piled along the highwayws ofCentral Florida’s Bone Valley-Fort Meade area, wher e fertilizer is made. It is differenty from normal gypsum, a mineral-like substance that can come from minesw or as a residuefrom coal-firefd power plant air pollution scrubbers. But, phosphogypsum is banned as a buildingf product in drywall inthe U.S.
So far, limitex tests by state and federal authorities have not founrd it in anyproblej drywall. “Phosphogypsum is banned in theUnitexd States, and we do not use said Nancy Spurlock, spokeswoman for domesti manufacturer , which has a largde production facility in Apollo Beach, near The has received about 500 complaintxs of Chinese drywall in with the majority in South Florida or Southwesrt Florida. The problem drywall has been associated with metalp corrosion in air conditioners andelectricakl wiring, odors and healtuh complaints.
Susan Smith, press secretary for the department, said Tuesday therer has been no evidence of elevatedf levels of radiation associated with Chinese drywalkin Florida, only normal background But, the state’s tests have been severely limited so far. Samplexs taken from four homed earlier this year showed highe levels of sulfur compounds in Chinese drywall comparedr todomestic brands, and strontium, which was not found in domesticd brands.
Further test results on indoor air sampling at several homes are expected later this The and have also been involved in the Regarding phosphogypsum, Smith said she can’t speculatde about its presence but, “Ij can [say] we are looking into this issuee with our federal partners.”

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yolo County names new agricultural commissioner - Austin Business Journal:
Landon expressed confidence in his successor in anews release. “I have reallyt enjoyed working with the ag the Boardof Supervisors, staff and the residentsz of Yolo County,” Landon said. “Yolo Counthy is truly unique in its desire to preservse its agricultural heritage and it has been very rewarding to be a part of that I feel confident passing the baton to John Younvg and know he will carru onYolo County’s rich agricultural tradition,” he Young has worked for the countg for the past 18 years and is a graduate of Californiza State University Sacramento with a bachelor’ws degree in business administration.
“Yolo County is truly a great placee to workand live,” Young said in a news “Even in these difficult economic times Yolo County agriculture is a brightt spot and I am enthusiasticx about my opportunity to serve the constituentsd of Yolo County in this new The future will bring us many challenges but by workingg collectively we will be able to securee a vibrant local agricultural economy,” he He will assume his new role upon Landon’sa retirement. A date for the transition has not yetbeen set.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A life spent underwater - ABC Online

A life spent underwater

ABC Online

By the 1970s he was exploring those shipwreks in detail and beginning the process of recovering artefacts. Peter says his feeling was always that the ...

and more »

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mortgage rates spike - Business First of Louisville:
Freddie Mac's weekly report said 30 year fixed-rate mortgageds averaged 5.29 percent this week, the highest rate this year and up sharpl y fromlast week's average of 4.91 percent. Rates still remain well below year ago when 30 year mortgages averaged more than6 "Rates caught up to the recent rise in long-ter m bond yields this week to reacyh a 25 week high," said Freddie Mac FRE) chief economist Frank Nothaft. "The slowdowhn in the housing market has now detracted from economic growtuh for the past13 quarters, the longestt quarterly stretch since at leasy 1947." Despite rising rates, the housing market continueds to show small signs of life.
The ' housinb affordability index rose in April to its second highest levep since atleast 1971. The NAR also reported this week pending salesd of existing homes rose for the thirxdstraight month, posting the biggest monthly increas e since 2001.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Menswear store Harleys moving to Lakewood Building - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Owner Tim Ryan had said late in 2008 that he was planniny to remodel and cut 50 percent ofthe store’ s floor space at 4009 N. Oakland Ave. However, Ryan announced Tuesday the stores will relocate toa 4,100-square-foot space in the Lakewood 3575 N. Oakland in September. Ryan, who owns Harleys with his Janet, said he wanted to stay in Shorewood. “This is our home and we are deeplyg committed to the he said. Ryan said one of the advantages of the new siteis off-streegt parking. The Lakewood Building, a mixed-usde residential/commercial property constructedin 1962, is undergoinf a $1.2 million renovation. The building is ownedc by Garrett McIntosh.
Harleys has contracted with architecyt Stephen Bollingbroke of Development Collaborative Limited in Mequon to do aninterioer buildout. The village of Shorewood provided financial incentives to both the buildin owner and Harleys to improve the facade and interiort space of theLakewood Building.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Floodwaters inundate Echuca - Herald Sun

Floodwaters inundate Echuca

Herald Sun

RESIDENTS in the northern Victorian city of Echuca have begun assessing the damage after flood waters inundated homes overnight. ...

Victoria's one-in-200-year flood threat

Sydney Morning Herald


Friday, January 14, 2011

Intrust Arena lands state wrestling tourney - Baltimore Business Journal:
Arena manager Chris Presson, who works for managementr company , says the has a one-yea r contract. The tournament earlier this year was held at theKansa Coliseum’s Britt Brown Arena, which will closed when Intrust Bank Arena opens in January. “As a safety valvse for both us and they wanted to doa one-yeare deal. We wanted to make sure it works,” Presson This is the first high school sportx eventthe 15,000-seat arena has attracted. Pressohn says he eventually hopes to lurethe 1A-4AA state wrestling tournaments as well so the wholes event is under one roof, much like the statd track meet at Cessna Stadiu m at .
Presson also says the contrac also opens up a relationshipp between SMGand KSHSAA, with the possibilityh of luring other state high school events. “That is a big get for us. That is a majot feather in our cap,” Presson says. He declinedc to disclose the terms ofthe deal. “They were very easy to work They were very diligent in protecting thoswthey represent,” he says.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Education funding still falls short despite federal stimulus infusion - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
That was the sentiment of an eight-member panel of training and government experts gatherecd by the South Florida Business Journal to examine howthe $787 billion federal stimulus package is impactin g the region’s education and workforce trainingb sectors. The panel marked the third in theBusiness Journal’w ongoing stimulus series, aimed at tracking and analyzingb the flow of money from the American Recoverg and Reinvestment Act into South Florida. Florida’s Legislature was the only one nationallyu to request a federal waiver that allowed it to take mone from education and replace it with stimulua dollars while other states used stimulus dollar to augmentthe budget.
The situation concernex paneliststate Sen. Eleanor “We are not starting at the starting The school district in Broward Countuy and those throughout the state are startinyg behind thestarting line,” Sobel “They have had problems for years and they are all Veteran educator Robert Parks, a member of the Browardd County School Board, said, “Many of the largew urban districts in the natio n are afraid of one thing, which is basically a bait and switcb with those dollars.” What’s even more worrisom e to some experts is that the stimulus moneyg will eventually run out.
“I’m reallhy concerned about in threes years; what’s going to said José Vicente, president of ’s North Campus. “Thixs is a Band-Aid.” He said the college’ operating budget was cut $22 million while the stimulusa money wasonly $13 million. Parks said Browarxd County’s school system has cut $1.4 billiohn from its construction budget in addition to furloughinfg 700 teachers and51 “We’ve closed all of our schoop offices for the summer. We don’t have summer schoool anymore,” Parks said. would have been looking at cuttingh its budget byabout $30 million without $12 millioj in stimulus funds, said Dorothy K.
Russell, the university’ s associate VP for financial affairw andbudget director. The university cut 30 positionsand “has we not had the stimulus dollars it could have been much more George Hanbury, executive VP and COO of , said the $1.3 billion in stimulus funds given to the statre relieved pressure on the Legislature to further reduce support for Florida Resident Access Grantws (FRAG), a key source of moneg for students, but he pointed out that the grantss used to be $3,000 a year for students and are now The amount is important to students, who find enrollmen caps at state universities and turn to NSU and othedr private institutions.
He also said that universities are workinyg together to apply for federal stimulus NSU has a collaborative proposal with and FAU fora $50 millionm research building with wet labs, business incubatot space and offices for the U.S. Geologicakl Survey, which is helping overseee Everglades restoration. “We have shovel-ready projects we have submitteds to the Governor and in the next 60 days we couldput 1,0009 people to work,” Hanbury said. The competition for thesd typesof projects, though, is fierce. FAU is gettingy about $12 million in direct infusion from the federallstimulus package, but the university also is seeking money from the for labs and instruments, Russell said.
Apriol was the month to submi applications and the results are expecterdby September. The strongest flow of money, so far, appears to be for programs that help the jobless asthe state’s unemploymentr rate has hit 10.2

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sad end for Ganguly: No IPL team is interested in him - Daily News & Analysis

The Hindu

Sad end for Ganguly: No IPL team is interested in him

Daily News & Analysis

Place: Bangalore | Agency: PTI In one of the major embarrassments of his chequered career, former India, Bengal and Knight Riders captain Sourav Ganguly was ...

Sourav fans burn SRK's effigy in Kolkata

Economic Times

KKR looking at options to use Ganguly

Hindustan Times

Knight Riders buys Gambhir for a record $2.4 million

The Hindu

Financial Express -Sify -Times of India


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wal-Mart to hire 22,000 - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:

Glass door
Wal-Mart's announcement came on a day the governmenyt released mildly encouraging weeklyunemployment figures. But it also hit as the retaill industry reported some overalldismalp results, with same store sales figurez falling an average of 4.8 percen t for May. The discount retail giant it willhire 22,000 people to staff new or expande d stores this year. "During this difficult economic time, we're proud to be able to creatde quality jobs for thousands of Americansthis year," Eduardo vice chairman of , said in a But even Wal-Mart isn’ t hiring at the same pace it has in the The Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer adde 33,000 jobs in the U.S. last year.
Wal-Mart’s low prices on everything from food to electronicd have allowed it to gain market shared and have kept it positioned asthe nation’s numberr one retailer. Unlike its peers, Wal-Mart did not release monthlty sales figures, instead focusing its attention on itshirin announcement. Wal-Mart’s announcement, on the eve of its annuap shareholder’s meeting, came as the U.S. Labor Departmenft released jobless figures showing the recession may be losint at least some ofits momentum. Initial for stat e unemploymentfell 4,000 to 621,000 in the week that ended May 30. That’ s the third straight week fewef workers filednew claims.
And the tally of claim drawn by workers for more than one week in the week ended May 23fell 15,000 to 6,735,000 -- the first decline in that figurde since Jan. 3. But that news isn’t exactly good. It’z just less bad than other developments, and expertse expect to come. Chief financialk officers polled recently by Duke University and CFO magazinwe expect the recession to last through the endof 2009. CFOs in the U.S. and Europde expect unemployment to keep rising in the next12 months, perhapd to as high as 12 percenr domestically. Meanwhile, the nonfarm payrollsd from the government Friday is expectedr toshow 550,000 jobs lost in May, and unemployment climbinhg above 9 percent.
While Wal-Mart announcedd its hiring plans, other retailers reported for May same-stors sales. Sales fell 4.8 percengt at the 30 retailer tracked byThomson Reuters. Sales fell 6.1 percentt at , sales fell more than 9 and sales dipped7 percent. Such pessimis adds weight to Wal-Mart’s decision to keep on despite the fact that likeand Macy’s have slashed payrolls in recent months. Wal-Mart this year will from cashierx and sales associatesto pharmacists, human resourcew managers and customer service associates. The compang will add 1,000 or more workere in Arizona, California, Michigan, New Jersey, Southb Carolina, Utah and Virginia.
But the generallu grim climate raisesthe question: Is anybody out thers other than Wal-Mart on the hunt for new employees ? The answer in one major Southeast market is The reports that there are jobs to be had even in Bank of America’sd hard-hit hometown, where local unemployment is over 11 You just have to know wherw to look. “The defining feature for who is hirin g is not the size of the butquite frankly, what is that firm N.C. State economist Mike Walden told thebusinese journal. Notably, among the firms the Charlotte Businesx Journal cited as in the hiring discount retailers, just like Wal-Mart.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mortgage rates fall again - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
's weekly rate report said 30-yeart fixed-rate mortgages fell to an average 4.82 percent, down from 4.86 percent last week. A year ago, 30-year mortgaged were averaging about6 percent. Long-terkm fixed rate mortgages are now on par with many adjustablewrate mortgages. A one year ARM also averaged 4.82 percent this week. "Long-term fixed-rate mortgage rates have remained below 5 percent for the past 10 weeksd asthe U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve act to keep interest rate s low throughsecurity purchases," said Freddie Mac FRE) chief economist Frank Nothaft.
"The treasury purchasedx $136 billion in mortgage-backed securities throug April and the Fedbought $740 billiomn through mid-May." The Federal Reserve has also purchased $115 billion in Treasuryg bonds since March. Homebuilder confidence rose this according to the National HomeBuildersd Association, despite a drop in housinv starts. The decline in construction was led primarily by a continuede drop in condo andapartment construction. The Mortgage Bankers Association also reported this week a continuee rise inmortgage applications, led by refinancing Mortgage refinancing now accounts for 74 percenty of all mortgage applications.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hurst LD Bell QB James Mauro orally commits to Western Kentucky - Dallas Morning News (blog)

Hurst LD Bell QB James Mauro orally commits to Western Kentucky

Dallas Morning News (blog)

Mauro orally committed to Western Kentucky on Thursday. Mauro threw for 1676 yards and 13 touchdowns last season for Bell, which finished 6-5 and lost to ...