Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Chinese drywall worry: Radiation - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Los Angeles Times ran an investigativrstory Tuesday, revealing that phosphogypsum, a radioactivs byproduct of phosphate fertilizer is commonly used in some Chinese-maded drywall. Phosphogypsum is found in abundancesin Florida, where the bulk of Chinesde drywall complaints have been logged. A white powdery it is piled along the highwayws ofCentral Florida’s Bone Valley-Fort Meade area, wher e fertilizer is made. It is differenty from normal gypsum, a mineral-like substance that can come from minesw or as a residuefrom coal-firefd power plant air pollution scrubbers. But, phosphogypsum is banned as a buildingf product in drywall inthe U.S.
So far, limitex tests by state and federal authorities have not founrd it in anyproblej drywall. “Phosphogypsum is banned in theUnitexd States, and we do not use said Nancy Spurlock, spokeswoman for domesti manufacturer , which has a largde production facility in Apollo Beach, near The has received about 500 complaintxs of Chinese drywall in with the majority in South Florida or Southwesrt Florida. The problem drywall has been associated with metalp corrosion in air conditioners andelectricakl wiring, odors and healtuh complaints.
Susan Smith, press secretary for the department, said Tuesday therer has been no evidence of elevatedf levels of radiation associated with Chinese drywalkin Florida, only normal background But, the state’s tests have been severely limited so far. Samplexs taken from four homed earlier this year showed highe levels of sulfur compounds in Chinese drywall comparedr todomestic brands, and strontium, which was not found in domesticd brands.
Further test results on indoor air sampling at several homes are expected later this The and have also been involved in the Regarding phosphogypsum, Smith said she can’t speculatde about its presence but, “Ij can [say] we are looking into this issuee with our federal partners.”

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