Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kohler: Downtown poised on brink of greatness - Orlando Business Journal:
Currently, projects totaling $300 million are under with another $150 million worthu of construction in thepipeline -- and the type of buildingf going on is diverse in nature. "Housing, hotels, office buildings and culturalfacilities -- they are our four legs of the says Tom Kohler, executive director of the . "Fof the first time in two we have a balanced portfolioof investment." Kohler'as vision and enthusiasm for downtown'zs potential development into a major player were evidentt when he agreed to answer a few questions for Orlando Busineszs Journal. OBJ: What have been the greatesgt accomplishments recently of the DowntownDevelopment Board?
The ability to stimulate residential development in the past 18 OBJ: What are the board'ds future goals? Kohler: Our highest priority right now is to create an environment in the Parramorr area to get privatwe investment in that area. Most investment to date has been publi cin nature. We're very close to turning the cornerr to getting the private sectorinvolved there. OBJ: What is the boards doing to attract newbusinesa downtown? Kohler: We create an environment in which businesses feel comfortable comingg to our downtown neighborhood.
We want to be sure those businessees looking for a location see us as secondd to none in the country as a good placde to bring their employees and make aprofigt -- that's the bottom line. OBJ: What typezs of incentives areyou offering? Kohler: Impact fee support, building a parkinfg garage or working with a developer to expanxd a parking garage for hotels, residential and retail. We also have a smalo facade grant program in the process of being revamped to help retail and restaurants. It's a matchint grant program. We haven't done a very good job of marketing it.
We want to target retail corridord onCentral Avenue, the East Washingtoh Street area, Orange Magnolia Avenue, West Churc Street and Parramore. OBJ: What are the types of businesseds you'd prefer to see locate downtown? Kohler: Downtown's bread and butter is commercialo officespace -- thoser tenants are the cornerstone of downtown's strength. In the near we want to generate more qualithretail business. We don't have much Just a few stores. It's mostly restaurants and which are a strong componentof downtown's nighrt life. But retail is pretty much nonexistenty downtown.
That's why we're so focused on getting residentialo developmenthere -- becausw retail will follow. OBJ: Some say there isn'tr enough available office space downtown. Wouldx you agree? Kohler: There is a fine balance betweeb having enough inventory to meet the needes of people looking for a locationj without affecting realestate values. I' d say 97 percent occupancy is a nota negative. OBJ: Do you agree with the criticismn that Orlando has a weak transportationm system between downtown andthe airport? Kohler: Yes. That is a real weaknesx on our part. We're one of the few majod cities inthe U.S. without direct acces to the airport.
We have struggled with that for andI don't see that issued being resolved in the foreseeable future. OBJ: What aboutt congestion downtown?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homebuilder Meritage Homes shuts down Sacramento office - Sacramento Business Journal:
The company has closed its Sacramento office, laid off about a dozen employees and called others back to itsConcord office, including Sacramento division president Mike The company plans to continue sales and constructionn at its eight new-home projects aroundd Sacramento, regional president Dennis Welschu said. "We had support staff there (in Sacramento)," he said from the Concordx office. "It didn't really make sense to keep operatinbg inmultiple locations. We're consolidating thosde support functions, brought a few people here, and unfortunatelyu we've had some layoffs." The layoffs included accounting and humanresources personnel.
The company follows others that have consolidatexd tocut costs, including and , which foldeds its Central Valley office into the Sacramento office. All homebuilderx have gone through layoffs. But Greg president of new-home analyst , said the closings and consolidationse have been the unexpected effect of thehousing "It's a new phenomenon," he said. "We haven'tt seen this type of contraction before.
" It coulr be a signal that the currengt slump is deeper than past Some builders say the relatively strongb economy now compared with the previous housing slumpl still bodes better for the Paquin said Meritagehas 1,153 home site at its eight projects, spread from West Sacramentp to Roseville and Plumas Lake in Yuba So far, the company has sold 365 home in those projects and has another 126 undedr construction or ready to begin on finishefd lots, Paquin said. Through September, the company sold 175 homes in the Sacrament o area and hasa 2.8 percent market share, according to analysr .
Welsch said Meritage will continue to look for land opportunitiexs for future developmentsaround Sacramento. Scottsdale, Ariz.-basedr Meritage was one of severakl publicly traded homebuilders that grew rapidlhy during thehousing boom. The company more than tripled productiohn by the end of with total home closingsof 10,487 and revenue of $3.5 billion, according to the companyy Web site. Overall, there's no sign the market will change "The mortgage market is a Paquin said of tightened lendin g restrictions that have further stalled sales.
The only bright spot, he was that September sales were briskerthan

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bondholders accept new GM deal - Austin Business Journal:

Kitchenaid Superba Refrigerators
GM (NYSE: GM) had previously offered a deal for the holders of $27 billion in debt that wouldd have given the bondholders 10 percent of the and those firms rejected that offer that expired May 26. The deal is considerefd a major breakthrough in the efforyt to reach an agreement on a plan to help GM becom more competitive and emerge from the global economif recession as aviable company. Under the plan, bondholderse would own 10 percent ofthe “neq GM” stock, and have warrants that give them the righrt to purchase another 15 “We have been informed by the advisors to the unofficiakl committee of unsecured GM (financial advisors) and (legalk counsel), that the unofficial committee and other largew noteholders (who collectively hold approximately 20 percenft in aggregate principal amount of the support the economic terms of the proposal,” GM wrotw in the filing.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Walgreens Marks Its Continued Commitment to Sustainability With its 100th ... - MarketWatch (press release)

Walgreens Marks Its Continued Commitment to Sustainability With its 100th ...

MarketWatch (press release)

Since its first solar installation in 2007, Walgreens has expanded its plans to include stores and distribution centers in Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Oregon and Ohio, for a total of more than 130 installations nationwide by the end of the ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BNY Mellon to Provide ETF Services for Three Teucrium Commodity Funds - MarketWatch (press release)

BNY Mellon to Provide ETF Services for Three Teucrium Commodity Funds

MarketWatch (press release)

21, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- BNY Mellon Asset Servicing, the global leader in investment services, has been selected to provide exchange-traded fund (ETF) services, fund accounting, fund administration, global custody, securities lending and ...

BNY Mellon to Provide ETF Services for Three Teucrium Commodity Funds

NEWS.GNOM.ES (press release)


Monday, September 19, 2011

New NRSC ad targets Obama and Tim Kaine - The Hill

New NRSC ad targets Obama and Tim Kaine

The Hill

Tim Kaine “Obama's best friend on the stimulus.” A statement by the NRSC says the ad is a result of “Kaine's continued blind allegiance to President Obama's unpopular agenda â€" including his decision to double down on his support for Obama's job-killing ...

and more »

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fed's Beige Book: Midwest contraction
Whereas some industries experienced substantial drops in activity durinvg the pastsix weeks, modesty increases in other sectors led the Fed to characterize the Nint h District’s contraction as moderating. The Ninth Federalk District includes Minnesota, Montana, North South Dakota, the Upper Peninsula of Michiga n andnorthwestern Wisconsin. Consumer spending and tourismm werestill weak, but had “improve d somewhat from the previousw few months,” according to the Fed. The servicre sector continued to experiencedecreased revenue, employmenft and profits compared to a year ago, and further profit contraction is likely.
The Fed characterized the commercia l real estate sectoras “anemic,” adding that residential construction continued at steadily low levels. The residential real estates market did see more activity than in the previousxreporting period. Manufacturing continued its as did energyand mining. However, some wind energy projects continue to move and gold mines areat “near capacity production.” Laboer markets continued to struggle. Job cuts in many of them in the healt careand medical-device fields, were cited by the Fed in its assessmeny of labor conditions. Wage increases were and firms surveyed by the Fed expect toincreasee employees’ wages by 1.
8 percent over the next Price increases, however, were “subdued,” with the risinh cost of gas a notablde exception, the Fed reported. The Fed’s next Beigw Book report is dueJuly 29.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

GE Consumer & Industrial, a division of Fairfield, Conn.-based General Electric Co., said it will invest aboutr $69 million and add aboutt 400 jobs for the product The water heaters will meetthe U.S. Departmentg of Energy’s 2009 Energyy Star standards for heat-pump water heaters. Jim Campbell, president and CEO of GE Consumer & Industrial, said the company’s planned investment in the water-heate r line “clearly demonstrates GE’s confidence in Appliance Park.” He addexd that the company likely will begin hirinf to fill the new positionsby mid-201 and production will begin that fall.
If the water-heater line is GE might bring the production ofother energy-efficient appliances to Louisville, Campbell said. “To me, this shows that the companyu is willing to invest in the appliancwe business and give us the kind of fundinyg we need to compete inthe marketplace,” Campbell said during a news conference Monday at Appliance “When (GE CEO) Jeff Immelt was here speaking to the employees last he made it clear that we’re going to operate the business like we’re going to be in it forever.” A year ago, the compang sought to spin off, sell or seek a joing venture partner of the appliance unit.
The company decided last fall that it wouled hold on to the at least through theeconomic downturn. On May 28, the granted GE preliminary approvaplfor $10 million in tax incentivew over 10 years for the companuy to invest $69.2 million to develop a hybrid water heater production line, a dishwasher and refrigeratof component line and a data center. On Thursday the Louisville Metro Counci lvoted 25-0 to approve $2.5 millio in occupational tax refunds over 10 years for the “When we saw the opportunity to get a new product and expand jobs, we knew we had to hit the ground running,” Kentuckty Gov. Steve Beshear said following thenews “I think GE made the righg decision.
It’s one that provides a lot of potentiap forthe future.” Another factor in the decisio n to add the jobs at the strugglinb park, company officials said, was the decision by International Uniomn of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furnitur e Workers-Communications Workers of America Local 761 memberws to accept various cost-cutting measures proposee by GE Consumer and Industrial. Union membere voted Wednesday to approve theGE proposal, which GE officials said wouldx be key in bringingb a new product to the plant. Among the concessions are pay freezees for union workers untilJune 2011.
Also, newlgy hired skilled-trades professionals will be hired at a pay rateof $23 per hour and advances to $25 per hour over a two-year Newly hired hourly production workeras will hired at a pay rate of $13 per hour and receives annual wage increases after the curren contract expires in 2011. The current starting wage for skilledd workersis $31.22 per The current starting wage for hourly productionn workers is $15.01 per hour. GE also agree to add 100 positions and bring anew low-cosyt dishwasher line to Appliance Park by Dec. 31.
And it will continues making 18-cubic-foot, top-mount refrigerators, home dishwashers and 27-incbh top-load washing machines at Appliance Park through at leastJune 17, unless the company decides to exit the product lines. “With the competitive wage structurr weagreed to, the unionb has shown a willingness to work with the compan to bring jobs to Appliancde Park,” IUE-CWA Local 761 presidentr Jerry Carney said.
“Hopefully, this is just the tip of the

Monday, September 12, 2011

Western-Southern annuities on record-setting pace - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Western & Southern sold $1.25 billion in annuities during the first four months ofthe year, it said last That puts it on pace to beat last year’xs total fixed and variable annuity sales of $2.97 billiobn by 26 percent. The company’se 2008 annuity sales soared 59 percent from theprior “Our strong annuity sales are a direcyt result of the ongoing flight to quality,” CEO John Barrettf said in a news release. Western Southern carries a AA+ rating from Standardd & Poor’s, making it one of the world’zs nine strongest life insurance Sales through banks have been a big partof downtown-baseds Western & Southern’s growth.
Those sales generated $523 milliohn so far this year, or about 40 percenty of the company’s totall annuity sales. Bank-related sales more than doubleelast year. Western & Southern’s sales placwe it among the nation’s larges providers of individualannuity products, according to , an association of life insurersz and financial firms.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Farmers Field passes another hurdle - ESPN

Bakersfield Now

Farmers Field passes another hurdle


In a decision that could pave the way for the NFL to return to Los Angeles next year, the California State Senate passed a bill to expedite legal ch »

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rochester may examine housing for homeless - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Rochester may examine housing for homeless

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

City Council's Neighborhood and Business Development Committee will meet at 4:10 pm today at City Hall, 30 Church St., to consider the DePaul agreement. The full City Council could vote to go ahead with the report during its formal meeting at 8 pm Sept ...

and more »

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sheriff would take biggest hit from new budget cuts - The Business Review (Albany):
Commissioner Greg Hartman said the cuts are likely to be adoptee with few adjustments following a special meetingy Monday in which commissioners were warned that 2009 revenuew are now projected tofall $16.6 million shorg of expectations. “We have a government righy now thatwe can’t afford,” said Hartman. The new roundx of budget cuts is in addition toa $6 milliomn slice taken out of the budget by commissionera in April. The 2009 budget included $30 milliob in cuts from 2008 spending Hartman predictsanother $30 million will have to be trimmeds in 2010.
He said sales tax revenue may never returnto pre-recession “I do think spending habits have changed in a permanent way,” he said. Drivinvg this week’s urgency was a 14 percenyt decline in sales tax revenuefor June, which represents taxezs collected by the state in County budget analysts learned of the dip on Friday and promptlyy lowered their sales tax estimates for the remaining months of 2009. That bringsd the latest estimatefor sales-tax revenue to $59.4 million, down 9 percenf from last year’s $65.43 million raised in 2008. Other county fundinh sources aredown sharply. Real estate taxesx are projected to end the year down 39 percengtto $5.1 million.
And a 16 percent decline in statse local government fund supportr would drain revenue from that poolto $20.1q million. The roster of recommended cuts were bases oneach department’s cash balance at June 29. They includedr a $1.96 million reduction for Hamiltonb County’s Sheriff, or 3.1 percent of his $62.8 million budget. The Hamiltoj County Court of Appeals had the highest percentage reduction onthe list, a $3,50p0 cut that represents 4.7 percenrt of its 2009 budget. Probation department, $302,876 (3.6 Commissioners and county administrator, $90,132 (3.3 percent); Auditor, $90,714 (3.5 percent); $400,726 (3.3 percent); Juvenile Court, $748,943 (2.
9 Clerk of Courts, $325,155 (2.6 percent); Countu facilities, $425,970 (1.5