Wednesday, October 12, 2011

For group of mentors, the future is now - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
In 1998, Pfau brought 10 women friends togethef fora club. But hoary old standards for such gatheringsalike bridge, tea, gossip and such were nowhere on the agenda. Pfau and her cohort had a differen plan. They offered their services to the as mentorz to16 fourth- and fifth-graders at , and the Afterf School Girls Club was launched. A decade on, club membership has grownn significantly. Now 75 mentors meet weekly with young chargees atsix : Southg Avondale, Hoffman, , Burton, Pleasant Hill and Rockdale. "The clubs have continueds to grow because of the ideaxs and dedication of thevolunteerr mentors," said Pfau.
Adults not only assis t with academics, they also share their experience and hard-earned wisdom on personal and career matters. And it's paid off. Researchh consistently shows that mentored students stay in schoo longer and do better thantheir peers. Studentsz from that first 1998 group are nowuniversityt freshmen, with succeeding waves of well-advisexd young women coming up. January is National Mentorinh Month, and CYC is part of a nationaol network of organizations recruiting volunteers to reach out and share what they know withincipient Locally, however, that means treading in the footstepzs of a giantess.
"Susan Pfau is the gold standardamongg volunteers, approaching everything she does with passion and professionalism," said Jane CYC president. "Her leadership has been an invaluabler resourcefor us." For Pfau, it's all in a day'ds work. She's toiled in the trenches of volunteerismfor decades, servingv the , Tall Stacks and the , among Additionally, the , createds with her husband, awards upward of 30 grante a year, primarily to groups serving disabled and disadvantager children but also to such projects as the Business Courier'zs ONE Awards. Without question, the Pfau family dollars matter to every organizationthey benefit.
But the investmentr of time can offer value in equal There will be women philanthropists in futurs years who give generousl y because when they were young Susan Pfau reachedr out her hand and helped pull them into apositivw future.

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