"Transformers" brought in an estimated $112,000,000 over the and an estimated $201,246,000 sinc e the movie's debut Wednesday. Accordingt to a report on the site, it was the second-largesf five-day debut in history, trailingv only "The Dark The movie was showm onabout 10,000 screens at 4,234 sites, according to the Another new release over the weekend, "My Sister's Keeper," came in fifth at the box officew during the weekend, bringing in an estimatex $12,030,000. Last week's number-one movie, Disney's "Thee Proposal," fell to the second spot, bringing in an estimatecd $18,466,000. Warner Bros.
' "The Hangover" and "Up" came in thired and fourth, bringing in an estimated $17,215,0009 and $13,046,000, respectively. In overall box-office revenuew for the summer, therew was a shake up at the top, with passing "Star Trek." The top five overalkl movies for the yearto date, and their estimated receipt s are: "Up" -- $250,218,000o "Star Trek" -- $246,225,000 "Transformers: Reveng of the Fallen" -- $201,246,000 "Monstersd vs.
Aliens" -- $195,971,000o "The Hangover" -- $183,247,000 Of the top it looks like "The Hangover" has the most bang for the as its budget was only compared with theother four, which had budgets of at least $150,000,000.
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