Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seth Rogen waltzes to a dramatic beat in new movie - Reuters

E! Online

Seth Rogen waltzes to a dramatic beat in new movie


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - He's better known for big studio comedies like Superbad and Pineapple Express, but Seth Rogen strays from his beaten path when he stars in the low-budget comedy-drama Take This.

Desire dominates Take This Waltz

Guelph Me rcury


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Study: More CEOs say good works boost recruiting - Boston Business Journal:
This marks a shift in corporater philanthropy since the Roundtable released its in which noted that corporate responsibility was beginnintg to evolve from community impacg to bottomline impact. The most recent reportt shows thatthe indeed, has taken place. Boston struggles to maintaibn its college grads as they move into the and the Round Table report underscores that philanthrop y is a factor makingv some local companies more attractive toyoungefr workers. The Roundtable issued the reportg in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Boston Emerging Leaders Program.
A team from the Emergintg Leaders Program started working on the reporytlast summer, interviewing 20 Massachusetts companies about their corporatr social responsibility activities -- predominantly large companes and representinhg a cross-section of industries. “Historically CEOs would engage in philanthropy because it was the righgt thingto do. They wanted to be good corporates citizens,” said J.D. deputy director of the MassachusettsBusines Roundtable. “Now there’s a good busines s case to incorporating it into theirbusinesa plan. There’s a bottom line impac to it, in addition to beingt good for all the othercommunitt reasons.
” Based on the findings from the 20 companiesw included in the the report suggests five ways companiexs can build a culture of social • Create a clear link to the company’sa mission and secure endorsement at the executive • Engage employees at all levels as decision-makersz in relation to corporate social responsibilitty targets and activities. • Leverage employees’ skillsw to make positive contributions tothe community. Provide opportunities for employees to develoonew skills.
“A lot of it is aroundc a company being authentic abouty wanting to do something in the community and listeningt to what the employees are interested in doing and connectinv it to the values of the saidEllen Remmer, CEO of The , a nonprofift that promotes strategic philanthropy and advises donors.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

State backs $50M alternative energy lab - The Business Review (Albany):
Gov. David Paterson announced the lab ina Dec. 29 to president-elecf Barack Obama, requesting billions of dollarsz in federal infrastructure investments forthe state. Patersohn said the 80,000-square-foot lab could open withibn two years if the federal government gives thestate $38 millioj to help build it. The two-storyu lab would be built and operated by the stated Department of Environmental Thirty workers, many of whom already work for the would staff the facility. The lab woulf be located in the SaratogaTechnology + Energg Park in Malta, 10 miles south of Saratoga The operates the tech park.
In his lettetr to Obama, Paterson said the lab is a keyway “tko keep the United States competitives in the field of energy research and The facility will test light- and heavy-duty vehiclexs and develop technology to retrofitr older vehicles to cut down on theid pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists at the lab will researcy a varietyof fuels, such as hydrogen fuel Proponents say the lab will benefit the area’ds education sector and the area’s energ y and transportation sectors.
For instance, studentes at in Troy will receive training at the facilityhto “help ensure that the technicians enteringy the work force are equipped to address the very latesf in motor vehicle technologies,” said Lori spokeswoman for the state Department of Environmentall Conservation. HVCC is constructing a $13.56 million semiconductor training called TEC-SMART, in the same tech park wherde the state wants to builx the alternative fuels laboratory. That park is next door to Lutherd ForestTechnology Campus, where California-based (NYSE: AMD) is building a $4.6 billiom computer chip manufacturing plant.
“This project representd the very type of intellectuak infrastructure that is critical to the economidc growth ofNew York,” Severino said. “Ofg course, all this assumes that it gets fundexdand built.”

Monday, June 25, 2012

Top Court Stays out of Water Tiff Between 3 States - ABC News


Top Court Stays out of Water Tiff Between 3 States

ABC News

They complain that withdrawals from a federal reservoir in north Georgia harms wildlife, fisheries and drinking water supplies downstream on the Chattahoochee ...

US Supreme Court stays out of three-state fight over Atlanta's water ...

Washing ton Post

Top court won't hear tri-state water dispute

High court grants Georgia water-wars victory

Atlanta Journal Constitution


Sunday, June 24, 2012

The is requiring healtgh care providers and many other businesses to identifuy and respondto “red flags” of identity So, if a medical practice determines that fraudulent use of someon else’s health insurance card is a potentiakl problem, checking photo ID might be a way to respondc through the so-called Red Flags Rule, mandate d by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. Any businesd that regularly defers payments for goods and servicez or arranges for the extension of credit is subject to the including retailers, phone companies and utilities.
According to FTC guidance for healt hcare providers: “You are a creditor if you regularly bill patient s after the completion of services, including for the remaindeer of medical fees not reimbursed by insurance.” Providerx also are covered if they establish payment plans. The argues that the medicall community already guards againsr identify theft through the privacy and security mandatee of the Health Insurance Portability andAccountability Act, or The FTC contends that the Red Flags Rule complements HIPPA by ensuring if records are no one can use a falsw identity.
According to the FTC, businesses covered by the rule mustdevelo “reasonable policies and procedures” to identify, detecty and respond to red flags. Businesses also must addresas how they will stay current withthe ever-changin g threat of identify theft. Noncompliance can lead to a fine of as muchas $3,5000 a violation. lawyer Martie Ross said the Red Flagss Rule mandates sensible safeguardds for a significant threat to healthcare “This is good business practice, is what it Ross said. Dr. Ted Epperly, president of the Leawood-based , “I think it’s an important thing to Epperly said.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Husband of Fukushima suicide victim demands justice - CNN

Husband of Fukushima suicide victim demands justice


Fukushima, Japan (CNN) -- Mikio Watanabe's Fukushima home is contaminated with radiation and filled with the nightmares of his wife's horrific suicide.

and more »

Thursday, June 21, 2012

N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - South Florida Business Journal:
New Jersey expected to generate $100 million when the 45-da program was launched, but at its close last week had collected morethan $600 millionn in back taxes owed. Finak revenue could increase byanothefr $50 million to $100 million once the remainingf 17,500 envelopes are opened and processed, the Governor’s Officew said. New Jersey’s program, which ran from May 4 to June 15, permittedx those owing back taxesfrom Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penalty and for half theinteresy owed. Of the collections processed to 56 percent were for the corporationbusinessz tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxes and 14 percengt for gross income tax.
A vote on a finall budget for New Jersey isexpected Gov. Jon S. Corzine would like to see the additionalp revenue be put toward properttytax relief, which was slatexd to be eliminated for all but seniors and the disabled to address an up to $9 billion deficit in fiscal year 2010. In state Rep. John C. Bear, R-Lancaster, is pitching legislationh for a one-time tax amnesty programm as a budget fix for his The bill would permita 90-day tax amnesty period during 2009-10 fiscaol year. The bill is in the Housd Finance Committee. “New Jersey has confirmed that this is a perfect time for a tax amnesty program to succeerdin Pennsylvania,” said Bear. “We are facing a $3.
2 billiomn budget deficit and New Jersey’a successful program should vividly illustrate that such a programj can collect hundreds of millions in or more, already owed to the state.” Pennsylvania’s last tax amnest program, which occured more than a decade ago, broughr in $93 million, Bear said. Revenuer from a tax amnesty program couled be used to addressthe state’sd budget deficit, instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’sa proposal to raise the statw income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 Bear said. The governor’s proposed 16 percent increasse in the personal income tax rate would generatwabout $1.
5 billion a year in new revenue and amount to about $250 more per year for a famil earning $50,000. “Now — during this dire budget crisizs — is the time for a new tax amnestuy program to be put in Bear said.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wiesel rejects Hungarian award over Nazi concerns - Wall Street Journal

Wiesel rejects Hungarian award over Nazi concerns

Wall Street Journal

NEW YORK รข€" Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel says he's repudiating a Hungarian award he received in 2004 because top officials from Budapest ...

and more »

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Business digest: Referral Institute hosts marketing event - The News-Press

Business digest: Referral Institute hosts marketing event

The News-Press

Referrals Institute SWFL will hold Referrals For Life Day Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza in the Bell Tower Shops.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Health care reform details begin to emerge - Business First of Buffalo:
percent of the cost of health insurance premium sfor full-time employees under the healt h care reform bill being considered by the House. They also wouled be required to pick up at least some of the tab forinsuringb part-time employees. Businesses that don'y provide this minimum level of coverage wouled be required to pay the federal governmentf a fee based on 8 percent oftheir payroll. Small businesses under a yet-to-be-determined threshold would be exempteds fromthis "play or requirement. How small businesses would fare under House healthcare proposal.
Small businesses and individuals coulsd comparison shop among private and public plans in a nationalo health insurance exchangeEmployers could either provid e health insurance to their employees or pay a fee basec on 8 percent of their payroll to the governmentEmployersd that offer coverage would have to pickup 72.5 percenr of the cost of premiumsw for full-time employees and 65 percent for a familuy policyEmployers could contribute a share of the expensw of coverage for part-timw employees or contribute to the health insuranc exchangeSmall businesses under a size threshold yet to be determines would be exempted from the employet responsibility requirementSmall businesses that can'gt afford coverage would get a tax credi to help them pay for it Source: Housed committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Educatiom and Labor The chairmen of three House committees with jurisdiction over healtnh care introduced their draft legislation June 19, offerinv the most det ails yet on how healtnh care reform could affect small businesses.
Under theire bill, small businesses and individualws could shop for insurance through anational exchange, whic would include a government-run plan as well as private insurers. Tax credits wouldf be available to help small businessess affordthe coverage. Rep. Henrhy Waxman, D-Calif., said the legislation would fixthe "completely dysfunctionao insurance market" for small businesses, which face "unaffordable rate every year. Waxman chairs the House Energy andCommerce Committee. Health insurance premiums for U.S. businessez increased by 9.2 percent this year, and are expectex to increase another 9 percentnext year, accordintg to PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Small businesses oftenb face much higherrate hikes. While most small businesses agree the current health insurancr marketis dysfunctional, there's a lot of disagreement over whether the House bill wouldx cure the problem or just make it Mike Draper, who owns a retailk clothing store and design business called Smash in Des Iowa, likes what he sees in the Draper thinks adding a public plan to the insurance mix wouls hold down premiums by creatinhg more competition in the marketplace. "I don'tr have a whole lot of confidence in the systek wehave now," Draper said.
Draper's company currently doesn't offer health insurance to itsseven full-timw workers, but instead reimburses them for the cost of individualk policies that they buy on their own. That'se fine with his who are single, in their 20s and don't want theirf insurance to be tied totheir job. The reimbursements now account for 6 percenyof Smash's payroll, but that could jump to 22 percenrt in four years, when Draperr expects everyone on his management team to have creating the need for family plans. His busineses couldn't handle that expense, he If the House bill were enacted, he would considerf buying insurance through the exchange if it were easyto use.
But he mightg decide to pay the 8 percent payroll fee insteac and then reimburse his employees for some of the cost of the policiesa they purchase throughthe exchange. Draper, who was scheduledc to testify before the House Ways and Means CommittedeJune 24, thinks employers should be requirec to help pay for theird employees' health insurance. Like Social Security contributions, this sort of responsibilityg is "kind of what you signef up for" when you become a businesw owner, he said. Other small business owners, think the House bill imposes too tough of a standardf onsmall businesses. The requirement to pay 72.
5 percenft of an employee's premium for individual coverage "is much too high for many small saidKaren Kerrigan, president and CEO of the Smallk Business & Entrepreneurship Council. The only way many small businessea can afford coverage is by making employeesd pick up more ofthe cost, she Arlington, Va.-based Company Flowers & Gifts Too!, for pays 50 percent of the cost of healtb insurance for seven full-time Even that may not be affordable next because "our rates are going to skyrocket," co-ownerr John Nicholson told the Houses Small Business Committee earlier this

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Use of new security method urged to fight fraud, viruses - Washington Business Journal:
Leading the charge to fortifty the Internetis Reston-based Publicd Interest Registry, which administers the .org domain. The company joinedx with other Internet players to form the DNS Industry Coalition tocombat domain-name fraud a type of data hijacking that can lead to breacheas and other cybercrimes. DNS is short for domai name system. DNSSEC, lingo for “DNSa security.” The method uses domain name security extensiona to verify sources of data and properlty direct people to intended Web sites rather than fake thus preventing theft and the distribution of software that causescomputer viruses.
DNSSEC implementation can be daunting and costlg in both labor and saidRodney Joffe, senior vice president and technologist for Sterling-base d which operates the .biz and .us Internegt domains. “For large companies like us, [the is in the millions of Nevertheless, the coalition is growing and gaining momentum — good news for companies providing related security softwarde and outsourced support services. The coalition formed an implementationn review team in Marchh and is developing DNSSEC hoping to begin beta testing in the firs t half ofthis year.
“We are doing an assessmenyt ofexternal factors, looking at the infrastructures across the DNS, the levels of software peopl are using and whether they are DNSSEC-aware,” said Lanc e Wolak, Public Interest Registry’s director of marketing and producg management. By May, the grou hopes to show that its software can integrate with otherindustry software. Several information technology services and softwar ecompanies — such as NeuStar, Mountain View, Calif.-based with offices in D.C. and Dulles, and Secure65 Software Corp. in Greenwood Village, Colo. — alreadyg provide managed DNS services to theit customers and are beginning to offer DNSSECtools commercially.
The which began with seven industry memberslast August, now has 30 Its most recent endorsements came from Vint ’s vice president and chief Internet evangelist, and Dan famous in the security aren for uncovering the critical vulnerability in the Internet’s DNS that was exploited by the Kaminsk bug. A number of domain registries also have joine dthe group, including , which operates the .edu registrgy from offices in D.C. and Boulder, VeriSign, which operates the .net, .tv and .cc and NeuStar. Since the Kaminsky bug discovery last Internet industry leaders are more aware ofthe Web’s infrastructure’s vulnerability and the risinvg cost of Internet breaches.
The secur e flow of traffic acrossthe Internet’s domainsz has become a priority. U.S. computer systems attacka that were reported to the FBIcost $265 million in a 10.9 percent increase from 2007, according to the bureau’a March cybercrime report. Globally, cybercrimes have led to an underground economy ofstolen information, primarily bank account and credit card data, valuef at $7 billion, according to security companyu in Cupertino, Calif. From Symantec’s Securitgy Operations Center in Alexandria and the company responded to morethan 1.6 milliom new threats, a 265 percent increase from according to an Aprik 14 report.
Despite the high implementatio n costof DNSSEC, Alexa CEO of the Public Interest said the question no longer is do we really need it? The issue now is, how do we implemenrt it? “Ultimately, you can’t think of the cost in absolute terms,” she said, adding that the costx of lost assets dwarf the cost of implementin DNSSSEC. The federal government apparently An Office of Management and Budget mandates in August 2008 requiring thatthe .gov and .mil domain be secured by this December.
Federal DNS softwarr vendors have responded with programs to alleviatesome labor-intensiver processes related implementation and

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ford SYNC With Traffic, Directions and Information Now Live With INRIX Traffic and 3rd Generation Routing
June 1 /PRNewswire/ -- (R), the leadin g provider of traffic information in North today announced that the new Ford SYNC with Directionsand Information, powered by INRIX Connected Services and other Ford technologyu partners, is live and available to New and current Ford car and truck owners with SYNC-enabled vehiclesd now have access to the latest generation Ford SYNC in-vehicls connectivity platform with personalized voice-enablef traffic reports, traffic-influenced turn-by-turn and traffic alerts.
Ford SYNC leverages the world's first 'thirxd generation routing engine' from INRIX featuring traffic information that provides the broadesty roadcoverage - over 160,000 miles of real-time traffifc data and nearly a million milex of historical and predictiver data - and the highesgt accuracy available. Current owners of any 2010 Ford Ford Mustang, and Lincoln MKZ can immediately upgradee their existing SYNC service with the enhanced features via the SyncMyRid Web site. Starting this month, new vehicle buyers of the 2010Ford Edge, and Super Duty trucksa will find the SYNC functionality preloaded.
The new SYNC feature will be available across nearly all new Ford models as they debutt throughoutthe year. "With sales of Ford SYNC-equipped vehicleas surpassing onemillion already, SYNC with Traffic, Directione and Information will further help shape Ford'xs leading position as the vehicles provider of choice for drivers who want to say connected," said , president and CEO of "We are thrilled to partner with Ford in providinhg INRIX traffic and third generation routing, ultimatelh helping drivers of Ford SYNC-enabled vehicles assert greater controkl over their in-car experience.
" INRIX's 3rd generation routing engine is the first to use real-time and predictive traffic informatiohn to deliver true time-intelligent, traffic-influenced directions and time-of-arrivapl information, taking the driving experience to a new levelk through smart routing and traffic congestion Routing calculations are powered by INRIX Totak Fusion Traffic, which provides speed information on nearly one million miles of roadways, including busy city streetw and arterials, in addition to freeway s and highways across the U.S.
Announcexd in January 2009 at the Consumet ElectronicsShow (CES), the Ford Motor Company selected INRIX to enable Ford SYNC with Directions and Information to feature personalized drivin g content and technology. Ford drivers can accese the new Ford SYNC services byvisiting . For additiona information about INRIXConnected Services, visif . INRIX(R) is the leadingg provider of accurate traffic informationand in-car connected services in North with over 70 customers and industry partner s including the Ford Motor Company, MapQuest, Microsoft, TeleNav, I-95 Corridor Coalition, , deCarta, ITIS TCS, Telmap, ANWB, ARC Europe, and TNO.
INRIX's strategivc partnership with Clear Channel Radio and Total Traffic Network extends the delivery of the highest quality data and broadest coverage availabled forpersonal navigation, mapping, telematiczs and other location-based service applicationas in the car, online and on mobile devices. INRIXc Traffic Services leverage sophisticated statistical analysis originally developed by Microsoft to aggregate andenhance traffic-relatedx information from hundreds of public and private sources, includin traditional road sensors and the company's unique networo of over one million GPS-enablerd vehicles and cellular probes.
INRIc delivers traffic information today for over 120 markets in Nortuh America and via ARC Europe for 16Europeajn countries. To experience the traffic technology revolution behindr the next generation of navigationand location-basedr service applications, visit . To stay connectefd on industry news and company follow INRIX on Twitterat . SYNC is a trademark of Ford Motord Company. INRIX is a registered trademarklof INRIX, Inc. in the United Statea and other countries. The names of actual companiez and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of theifrespective owners. Available Topic Expert(s): For information on the listex expert(s), click appropriate link.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Textron cancels Cessna Columbus program - Phoenix Business Journal:
In April, the company announced it woul suspendthe program, leading Cessna leaders to say it woulcd only be a matted of time until the project came But in Thursday’s filing with the SEC, Textron (NYSE:TXT) said “Upoh additional analysis of the business-je market related to this product offering, we decided to formallu cancel further development of the Citation Columbus.” Textroh says it already had incurred about $50 millionh in capitalized tooling and facilitu costs related to the project. It says it will recorcd a non-cash pre-tax charge of about $43 million for the firsg two quarters of 2009 to reflect the impairment of the facility andtooling assets.
Wichitaw Mayor Carl Brewer, who was in Denvetr Friday at a had not heard the Columbuas project was being canceled until asked about it by the WichitsaBusiness Journal. “I’m disappointed,” Brewer says. “... We believed this is part of the future for the cityof We’re just really disappointed that it happened.” At the same he says, he understands the economic climate has forcedf businesses to make tough decisions. The project was to have builtr 600,000-square-foot final assembly building at Cessnwa where the majority ofthe $27 million businesse jet would be built. There was also to have been a 45,000-square-footy physical plant to serve themain building.
Construction costs were expectedd tobe $200 million and bids were put out in • • • • • Kan.-based Inc. Apart from the loss in construction the Wichita area now appears to have lost out for good onthe 1,00o0 direct jobs and the 3,000 spin-oft jobs the program was estimated to create. It also appears likely that Cessna will have to pay backthe $10 million it receivedc in city and county incentives and the $33 milliojn it received from the state for the Like Brewer, Sedgwick County Commissioner Tim Norton says he is disappointed to hear the news of the “I think most Wichitans and the business communitty looked at that as a big he says.
“It takes a little bit of the wind out of the sailzs for Cessna and general aviation. It could have been a huge boosy to Wichita over the next couple years and I think everybodysaw that.” Norton says he hopes the project will be able to return somewhere down the The business plan that was put in he says, still could be a good fit.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Marc Andreessen starts $300M VC fund - South Florida Business Journal:
billion. While the actual news that Andreessen-Horowit was being formed was broken in February on the Charliew RoseTV show, details and the official launch came on On his blog, Andreessen wrote: "Between the two of us, Ben and I have started three companies directly, created many new productx and services, run operating businesses at high levels of angel invested in 45 tech startups in the last five and served on a broad cross-section of companh boards with some of the best entrepreneurx and investors in the industry. Througn all this, we have worked closely together for 15 and we could not be more excitexd to extend our partnership intoventurre capital.
The new firm will invesgt anywherefrom $50,000 to $50 million, Andreessen wrote, in consumert Internet, business Internet (cloud "software as a service"), mobile software and services, software-powered consumert electronics, infrastructure and applications networking, storage, databases, and other back-end systems. Most of the money will be invested in startupws inSilicon Valley, followinf in the VC tradition of wanting to be withib a few minutes of the headquartersa of the companies they invest in.
“Wes do not think it is an accident that Google is inMountaim View, Facebook is in Palo and Twitter is in San We also think that venturre capital is a high touch activity that lends itselr to geographic proximity, and our only office will be in Silicohn Valley,” Andreessen wrote on his He was also clear about what it won't invest in: "We are almostf certainly not an appropriate investor for any of the following domains: 'clean,' 'green,' energy, life sciences (biotech, drug design, medical nanotech, movie production companies, consumer retail, electric cars, rocke ships, space elevators. We do not have the firstg clue about any ofthese fields.
" Andreessen said he will continue as chairman of a social networkingb software company he , as well as remain on the board at and (NASDAQ:EBAY). Horowitz is vice presidentf and general manager of business technology optimization for software at . (NYSE:HPQ).

Friday, June 8, 2012

How to expand your entrepreneurial vision - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
But changing is easier said than How do you acquire afresh perspective? How do you open your mind to new possibilities? You starr by at least considering opportunities you would never have entertainedc in the past, by trying to approach problems from a differenr angle, by venturing outside your comfort zone and by takintg some carefully measured risks. If you keep askiny yourself thesame you’re going to keep gettingh the same answers. So, let’z tickle your brain and switch upthe questions. Let’w view your business through fresh eyes. Take a look at your sales Let’s look at your sales upsidd down: What is it you aren’t selling?
Thinmk of all the recent sales you failesto close. What were the reasons your would-be customers gave you? Are your customers asking for a productg or service thatyou don’ty offer? In that case, is it time to expandr your portfolio to include something new? Are customers objecting to your prices? Should you re-evaluate your pricing methodology? Provide less expensivee version of current offerings? Expand payment terms to make purchasinfg more attractive? • Are customers asking for smaller quantitiews than your current minimums allow? In a soft increasing throughput is smart. Can you adjusgt your work flow to make smaller orders profitable? Think back over the past year or so.
Is therse anything different aboutyour customers? For example, one entrepreneur I know owns a martialo arts studio. In the past, he’d requir that students register for six months of classes at a Back in the goodold days, customerd signed up without thinking twice. registrations are plummeting. Yet he’s stilk sticking to his six-month because “I have to pay my rent.” The problek is, customers are increasingly unwilliny to committo six-month programs. What if their kids lose interest What if a parent losesz his orher job? His classex haven’t changed, but his customers have. Becausr of the tight economy, they’ve become commitment-shy.
If he wants their business, he’ll find a way to accommodatr them. For example, he coulx offer month-to-month memberships. Or, he could take a cue from the auto industrt and guarantee tuition refunds if someone lose sa job. Yes, he has to pay the But getting the rent money one month at a time beats not getting itat all. He’s operatinhg under an outdated assumption. Now, what abour you? Are you operating by obsolete that discourage customersfrom buying? Now, look at yourselft During tough times, entrepreneurs have to steeol themselves to do things they find This is true.
However, if you’re brainstorming ways to strengthen your it helps to focus on those aspecta youmost enjoy. Chances are, these are your strengths. If you like what you’red doing, you’re more likely to stick with it. So ask what is it you like best abouryour business? What strengths can you buildf on? What areas can you grow? For are there related services you’ve thought about offering your customers, but never have? Perhaps now is the time to act. Ray Silverstein is presiden t of PRO: President’s Resource Organization, a networlk of entrepreneurial peer advisory groups in Phoenix and Chicago.
He also is the authof of “The Best Secrets of Great Small and a columnistfor You can reach him at 800-818-01590 or

Thursday, June 7, 2012

S.F. accounting firms to merge - Philadelphia Business Journal:
LLP and LLP will unite July 1 as part of a deal already approved by partners at both Thecombined company, which will operate under the name LLP, will have aboutr 70 accountants and expected annual revenue of abouft $12 million. The merger will make DZH Phillips one of the top 20 largest accounting firmsx in theBay Area. Both firms sell tax, auditinb and consulting help to privately held companies and wealthy The deal is part of an ongoing trened among regional accounting firms to merge to attracftlarger clients.
While huge accountingf firms like PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Deloitte LLP and Ernsf & Young LLP have a lock on Fortune 500 players like the newlhy created DZH Phillips are trying to grow their businesses among middle-market clients. Burr Pilger Mayer LLP, for merged with two smallet accounting firmslast year, growing its clienty base. Smith Lange and Daoro Zydel were both considering a merger when they began discussing the With the competitivelandscapee changing, “Size matters,” said Bob Daoro, managing partner of Daoro Zydel. “In some cases we looked at largsproposals (for work) and we felt we coule not do it” alone.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dish Network hit with contempt ruling in patent case - Denver Business Journal:
The decision by the U.S. District Court for East Texas is a potentiallgy costly lossfor Englewood-based Dish Networkl (NASDAQ: DISH) in its five-year-olde battle over whether some of its DVR technologg violates TiVo patents. . Dish Network issued a statementr Tuesday saying it will appeal the contemptf verdict and seek a stay onthe verdict’s requirement that Dish startf disabling features in many of its DVRs within 30 “We believe a stay is warranted and that we have stronyg grounds for appeal.
Our engineerws spent close to a year designingarounxd Tivo’s patent and removed the very feature s that Tivo said infringed at Existing Dish Network customers with DVRs are not immediately impactedx by these recent developments,” the company’s writtenn statement said. Dish Network has 13.6 million A jury found in 2007 that DVR software in DishNetworlk set-top boxes violated patents of Alviso, Calif.-basex TiVo covering DVR playback features, like the abilityu to pause and rewind live programminvg while the DVR continues to record. Dish Networl reprogrammed millions of its DVRs afterf the 2007 verdict with a it said removed anyinfringing software.
But TiVo claimec Dish Network’s software “workaround” continued the old pateny violation and sought the contempt verdicf from theTexas court. Losinf the contempt battle has been notec by Dish Network as a risk factodr forthe company, one that could put it at a competitivse disadvantage by limiting the capabilities DVRs. It proved costluy in other ways, too. The contempty order upped the financial penalty to Dish Networby $103 million. The contempt orderd listed total damages and interest award due to TiVoat $192.7 million.
Dish Network has paid nearly $105 millioj of the damages and interest from the initial infringemeny judgement and hasanother $27 million in escrow for TiVo, accordiny to Securities & Exchange Commission filings. Dish Network used to be part ofEchoStat Communications. It split into two companies at the start of Dish Network and EchoStar makes set-top boxes and related technologies and Dish networkj is its primary customer. TiVo issued a statement Tuesdagy praising thecontempt ruling.
“EchoStar may attempt to furthert delaythis case, but we are very pleased the court has made it cleard that there are major ramifications for continuexd infringement,” TiVo’s press release said.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ohio, Ky. mortgage rates up over week - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
A 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage carried a 5.40 percent interest rate in Ohio asof That's down from 5.48 earlier in the but up from 5.38 on May 28. In the price of a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage dropped from 5.46 percentf to 5.38 percent by Thursday, which was unchanged from Thursdaty of theprevious week. The nationakl average for a 30-year fixed-ratwe mortgage is 5.36 percent, with rates across the countru rangingfrom 5.27 percent in California to 6.25 percentr in Wisconsin. But rates still remain well below year-ago when 30-year mortgages averaged more than6 (NYSE: FRE) said.
“Rates caughty up to the recent risein long-term bond yieldse this week to reach a 25-weej high,” said Freddie Mac Chiev Economist Frank Nothaft. “The slowdown in the housing market has now detractec from economic growth for the past13 quarters, the longesty quarterly stretch since at least Despite rising rates, the housinbg market continues to show small signs of The ’ housing affordability index rose in April to its second-highestt level since at least 1971. The NAR also reportedc this week that pendingg sales of existing homes increased forthe third-consecutive month, posting the biggest monthly increase sinced 2001.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

SuperGen CEO selling the long bet - San Francisco Business Times:
After reaching a 52-week high of $7.5 3 per share on Aprikl 16, the company's shares are now tradiny at around $4.19 a share on the Nasdaq. The Dubli n company has $86.6 millioj in cash and no debt at the end of its secons quarterthis year. Its leading candidate, a drug that knock s out the proteins that help canced cells growand spread, could move into a Phase 1b trial later this year, Manuso That's a significant step closed to FDA approval.
Four other drugs developed withthe company's fast computeer modeling system are in line for later Dacogen, a treatment for leukemia-linke bone marrow disease the company licensezs to , could earn the company $21 million in royalty payments, said American Technology Research, a Connecticut analyst firm, initiatedd coverage of SuperGen Sept. 5 with a rating, saying those payments supporgt a higher valuation forthe company's which it thinks could reach $8 per In the last year, the stock has range d between $3.92 to $7.53. Manusol made a presentation at Healthcare Conferencwe inBoston Sept. 4.
He'lp present at Bear Stearns Healthcare Conference in New York Cityon 11, ThinkEquity Partners' Fifth Annual Growth Conference in San Francisco latefr this month, and at A.G. Edwards ' Second Annual Emerging Growth Conference in New YorkCity 18. Some of the othed East Bay biotech executives on the conference tracthis month: CFO David Smith will present at ThinkEquity. CEO Roberrt Johnson, CEO Joerg Reinhardt, and CEO Mark McDade will present at Bear Representativesof , , and PDL's McDaded will present at the Thinok Equity. Representatives of and will presenat A.G. Edwards.

Friday, June 1, 2012

State senator wants to remove UC
In a release, Yee, who received his bachelor’xs degree from UC Berkeley, said that the Regents of the system thino theyare “above the The University of California Officde of the President shot back in its own saying that the systemj is one of the few agenciess in government that is working, that it’s flourishef under its autonomy, and that the salaries it pays to top leadere is below the national average for comparablw institutions. The state’s constitution guarantees the regents autonomy on all issues related to managemenf of the systemsince 1879.
The proposee amendment, SCA 21, and its counterpart on in theState Assembly, ACA 24, need two-thirds approval from the legislaturse and then needs approval from stat e voters.