Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Report: Wind power could fuel $75M impact in Mo. - Business First of Columbus:
The report, released by the , says Missourians spen more than $18 billion a year on naturall gasfor heating, fuel for cars and and electricity to power homews and businesses. That comes to $3,000 in energy costs for each personin Missouri, and most of thosed dollars leave the state because 84 percent of Missouri’s electricity is generated using coal, almost all of which is shippede in from Wyoming, according to the Wind power — 25 moderate-scalwe wind farms would provide thousands of construction jobs, 550 permanent construction jobs, $15 million in properthy tax revenue and $75 million in ongoiny positive local economic impact in Missouri.
Biofuels Cellulosic ethanol, which is made from crop waste andnonfood plants, could create thousandes of jobs, hundreds of millions of dollars of economidc activity and $13,000 in annual gross incomwe for the average Missouri corn farmer. Solid biomass Replacing 20 percentof Missouri’s coal usage with locallty grown biomass would create an estimated 11,000 jobs. Biogass — Biogas production from cattle waste would be profitable at more than200 large-scale livestock operations in 60 Missouri counties.
“Within Missouri’s borders are vast resourcese of wind, land and water — all the ingredientzs needed for Missouri to become a national leadedr in newenergy development, creating tens of thousandws of good jobs and substantial new sources of incomee for farmers,” said Martin Cohen, the energg policy analyst who authored the The Natural Resources Defense Council is a nationap nonprofit organization of scientists, lawyers and environmental specialists dedicatex to protecting public health and the environment.
Monday, October 29, 2012
New study sheds light on how and when vision evolved - Phys.Org
New study sheds light on how and when vision evolved Phys.Org The evolutionary origins of vision remain hotly debated, partly due to inconsistent reports of phylogenetic relationships among the earliest opsin-possessing animals. Dr Davide Pisani of Bristol's School of Earth Sciences and colleagues at NUI Maynooth ... |
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Bean counters find their calling at Bakehouse Theatre - Adelaide Now
Bean counters find their calling at Bakehouse Theatre Adelaide Now AC Arts acting graduates Nic English, Renee Gentle and Tim Overton not only formed Junglebean and star in its latest show, The Call, but are responsible for everything from booking the venue to raising $12,000 from small businesses, friends and family ... |
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Twirly whirly tales with gamelan music - New Straits Times
New Straits Times | Twirly whirly tales with gamelan music New Straits Times KUALA LUMPUR: When Nurjennah Mat Ali, 12, auditioned for a musical theatre early this year, she did not realise that the theatre would feature the gamelan, a traditional Javanese musical instrument. twirly. Tan Sri Megat Zaharuddin Megat Mohd Nor tries ... |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
MedImmune gets second H1N1 flu contract - Phoenix Business Journal:
MedImmune won the additional $61 millionn contract from the U.S. Departmentg of Health and Human Services, six weeks after it accepted a $90 milliom contract from the agency to manufacturre ingredients for a potential vaccine for the H1N1 which had been widely dubbed as theswine flu. MedImmune, now the Gaithersburyg subsidiary ofthe London-based , is using the funding to producr and test the flu-fightinbg technology it uses in its seasonal FluMistr product for the H1N1 virus, whichy has reached the highest warnint levels on the pandemic scale.
The follow-up awards were given to four of five pharmaceuticals that the federakl government has been contracting with to produce potentiak vaccinematerials — Sanofi Pasteur SA, , , and MedImmune. In all, the agenc has spent nearly $1.9 billion to date on these contracts., MedImmune’s combined $150 million in awards have been the smallestg so far ofthosw companies. MedImmune sets itself apart from many other companies withits live-attenuatexd flu vaccine technique, which uses a live, but strain of the virus to induce an immune response from the The biotech company has said that process can protect againsrt various circulating flu strainx at once, even if they’re not perfectlty matching the original strain it was aimingf to treat.
“We’re putting significant internal resources toward this projecy to deliver on this commitment and move the process forward as fast as we saidKaren Lancaster, a spokeswomahn at MedImmune. She said the company has identified a swineflu strain, entered the manufacturing stage and couled produce an estimated 35 million to 40 millionn finished doses, similar to its FluMist seasonal Health and Human Services officials, who plan to reserv these vaccines for its national stockpile for use on prioritty populations in an emergency, said that clinicalp trials of the potential vaccines are expected to begimn next month with some preliminaru rounds of clinical data appearingf as early as September.
The agencu said it can’t determine how many doses will be produceed in alluntil it’s determine what, and how vaccine materials work the best. Local governments also receive federal funds to help prepare againstg swineflu outbreaks. The District’sa public health officials receivednearly $500,000, while hospitals in the city receivedx nearly $300,000. In Maryland, public healtgh officials received $4.8 million, while hospitals received morethan $1.6 And in Virginia, publi c health officials received $6.5 million, while hospitals receive more than $2.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
New launched to track tech spending - Baltimore Business Journal:
Vivek Kundra, chief information officer for thefederal government, unveiled the new tool at the in New York on The online dashboard provides chartw and graph to make the data on governmenty technology spending more accessible and usable after it is submittee to the through various federal agency reports. The new site includew information about morethan 7,0009 federal information technology investments, includiny performance data so that projecrt progress can be assessed over time. More detailes data pertaining to at least 800 of thosee investments that the government considers are also available to the public on the new according to the PersonalDemocracy Forum’s Web site.
The chievf information officers at individuapl government agencies will now be responsible for maintaining on a monthlt basis certain data that they provide viaa back-enf interface of the Web Still being tested, the site reportedly may have bugs that need to be By mid-morning attempts to clic through and view the dashboarc from the home page of returnedr error messages.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Good managers can alleviate some staff fears - bizjournals:
Even if your business is in greayt shape andyou don’t expect any negative outcomews from less-than-perfect macro-economic your employees likely are feeling a littlee uneasy. If they are not worriede about theirjob security, they might be worriecd about their spouse’s job, the value of their 401(k), the valuew of their home or othed things. Because the outputs of an organizationb are built from the actions of their health and wellness matter toan organization’s success. If uncertainty and fear are not dealt with they can lead to stress andemotional troubles, a weakened immunr system and other health problems.
And those personalo issues add up to issues for an An organization teeming with people paralyzed by fear is It will feel the pain in the form oflower productivity, absenteeism and low morale. On the other an organization with a resilient and confiden work force will have greaterproductivity (yes, resilient peopls work harder than others durinh change), greater job satisfaction, higher retentiomn and lower absenteeism — amonfg other benefits. Whether fears are basedr on real or perceived good managers can alleviate some oftheir staff’s concerns. Good managers can help peoples stay focused and positive during tough and help them continue to perfor m and add to thebottom line.
When peoplde feel uncertain, they try to re-establish control, support and purpose. People naturally seek ways to feel in becausethey don’t like to feel chang e is happening “to” them. They can find a feelinvg of control in small things that might not be relatesd to thechange — such as carving out a smal l project at home and tackling it start to finish, creating or makin something from scratch or organizing files and drawers. Managerz can encourage people to focus on the immediate and take prider in evensmall accomplishments. People also look to re-establish understanding durinfg timesof change.
We feel like we are thrown into a it takes a few minutes to learn to navigate sloping floorsand floor-to-ceiling By developing a communication plan and engagingg people in discussions about where the organization is managers can help people understand how the new world will work. People seek support in the midst of uncertaintuyand change. Somehow, everythinbg seems a little better when peoples feel they arenot alone.
Thosee gathered around the water cooler are instinctively looking for Managers can channel this need by setting up small meetingds with leaders to chat or having team s focus on manageable tasks that move the organization People also lookto re-establishn their purpose during times of change. They oftehn feel like their old purpose is threatenesd or might become irrelevant when theid surroundings arein flux.
Those who define themselvez as spouses, parents, siblings, community members and job holders do a much bettedr job at maintaining their sense of purpose during uncertaintyu than those who view themselvesas “aw doctor” or “an accountant” or “a factory worker.” Managerds can help people remember that the changse is not about them it is not a reflection of any one personn or their value. Managers can stres s that they have a value that is much broadef than justtheir work, and they can encouragre people to focus on what they are good at. Fear might be prevalent during tougheconomic times, but it does not have to be an albatrosx for an organization.
Organizations can continue to thrive, and even use this time to buildf a foundation for a stronger organizatio inthe future. Just realize what peoplee are experiencing and whatthey need, and then meet peoples where they are. Kate Nelson is a partner in Changre Guides LLC anda co-author of “Thew Change Management Pocket Guide” and “The Eight Constants of Change.” Reac h her at
Saturday, October 20, 2012
CC embarrassed with Game 4 clunker vs. Tigers -
Globe and Mail | CC embarrassed with Game 4 clunker vs. Tigers DETROIT -- For their last line of defense, the Yankees had ace CC Sabathia on the mound on Thursday, and they thought that just might be enough to avert a sweep in the American League Championship Series. But perhaps the Tigers had developed such ... Unlike the Ya nkees, Tigers' World Series opponent won't be a pushover Tigers learned valuable lessons from '06 Series |
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Chic bar takes place of Chinatown dive - Triangle Business Journal:
SoHo will open at 80 S. Pauahi Streef in a renovated 5,500 square-foor space that will include a bar and an area for live The PauahiStreet location, betwee n Bethel Street and Fort Streef Mall and near , was occupied by Mall Cafe until That bar had been cited by the Honolulu Liquort Commission in recent months for unsanitaryh conditions and for overserving alcohol. The commission also received a petition from community members opposing the renewal ofMall Cafe’s licensre because of alleged drug dealing and frequent Mall Cafe’s former owner, Saiming Corp., had been trying to transfeer its liquor license to the landlord, Uniob Mill Investment.
SoHo owner Daniel Gray, former generalk manager of the Loft Gallery and Lounge onHotel Street, said he was approached by Unio n Mill Investment to open a new venues in the spot. Gray plans to open part of the lounge — 3,000 square feet — for this month’s First Friday event downtown, and open the remaininf space in August. Gray describes the new venuw as a mixof music, fashion and photography in a trendyg and upscale setting. The SoHo name stems from the New York City neighborhooc and a blendof “south” and “Honolulu”.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Kayla Hale Senior Profile -
Kayla Hale Senior Profile DURHAM, N.C. - After a stellar weekend, the women's cross country team has earned the top ranking in the southeast region and is ranked 11th nationally. Recently, sat down senior harrier Kayla Hale to learn more about the Indialantic, Fla., ... |
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Obama: Public plan would
If insurance companies do provide good insurance totheit customers, then they should have nothingf to fear from a government-run competitor, he said. “Theuy should be able to he said. If the public plan is able to reduce administrativecosts significantly, private insurers should take note and see if they can do the “There shouldn’t be any objection to that,” Obam said. The public plan should be required tocollecft premiums, not be “simply eating off the taxpayer he added.
Health insurers and many businessw groups contend a public plan would have an unfaid advantage becauseit wouldn’t be subject to all the rulesx imposed on private insurers and likely would pay health providerxs less for their services. This could crowed out many private insurers and lead providers to chargee private insurers more to make up for the lost income from thepublic plan, they When asked whether including a public plan in healtgh care reform was the president said, “We are stil early in this process.
“We have not drawn a line in the other than reform has tocontrol costs, and it has to provide reliecf to people who don’t have health insurancee or are underinsured.” Obama also was asked what he thought about the performance of Federakl Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, given the fact his financial regulatoruy reform plan proposes expanding the Fed’zs authority. “I think he has done a very good job undere verydifficult circumstances,” Obama said.
All regulatorsz fell short of doing what was neederd to prevent thefinancial crisis, but the Fed “probably performer better than most,” he Since the financial crisis Bernanke has “performed very Obama said.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Minecraft Gets Biomes O' Plenty Mod -
Gameranx | Minecraft Gets Biomes O' Plenty Mod The world's a pretty big place. As such, there's a whole lot of different environments out there. So why not have Minecraft, the world's foremost world-building game, reflect that? Intrepid modder TDWP_FTW has made sure it does with his new Biomes O ... New 'Biomes O' P lenty' Mod Enriches Minecraft's Landscape |
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Nova's winning pedigree suited for job ahead -
Nova's winning pedigree suited for job ahead PISCATAWAY â" Nerves ran up Gary Nova's spine as quickly as the surprise call of âNova, you're in!â rippled across the Rutgers football team's sideline. Slightly more than one year ago, on Oct. 1, 2011, Nova was sent onto the field for the first ... |
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The report ranked the 100 largestt U.S. metro areas based on employment, unemploymenty rates, wages, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosure rates in thefirst quarter. D.C. rankerd No. 13, while San Antonio, Texas, placed No. 1 and Detroi came in last at No. 100. “All metropolitan areas are feelingt the effects of this but the distress is notsharesd equally,” said Alan Berube, research director of the metropolitah policy program at the D.C. institute and co-authoer of the report.
“While some areas of the countr y have experienced only ashallow downturn, and may be emergingb from the recession already, people living in metro areas that are now performing weakest economically should preparr themselves for a long recovery period.” At the firsf quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metro areasz were starting to show signs of recovery, said the report, and said Texas was the only place that saw growth in employment and output. Output increased in just a handful of metro including D.C.; Seattle; Austin, Texas; and Virginia Beach, Va..
The reporg also pointed out that metro areas with concentrationw of jobs in certain sectors have resulted in fewe dramaticjob losses. The San Antonio, Texas Austin, Texas McAllen, Texas Baton Rouge, La. Okla. Omaha, Neb. El Paso, Texasz Wichita, Kan. Washington, D.C. N.M. Virginia Beach, Va. Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. New Haven, Conn. Rochester, N.Y.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Translating a skill into growing firm - Charlotte Business Journal:
Snyder is the founder of And he’es turning a once-academic pursuit into a thrivingb business. How did you envision teachinb languages asa business? When I was in graduate school, I starte looking at ways to teacyh Spanish to adults in a less academic setting. I wantex to remove the tests and the grades and give peopl e a quality class that isalso fun. I also wantex to take the model to Learning a new language can help build relationships with customers and and it can be done inthe workplace. What are the advantages to learning a language with you rather than a college We work in small groups of four toeighty people, and we focus on conversation.
We conduct our classes almost entirely in the targety language to create an immersion We want to make our classesw as much like the real worlxas possible. Who are some of your clients?? Our corporate clients have includedContinental Tire, Ingersolo Rand, Black & Decker, Pfaff Moldsx and many others. We also offer classe to the public. What is your growtbh potential? In the past year, we have been able to expanxd our programs in other parts of Charlotte through partnerships with organizations like the Levine Jewish Communitu Center andInternational House. I thinlk there is room for growth and a potential franchise How many languages do youspeak ?
I am fluent in Spanish and have been workiny on my Portuguese for a while. I also studie d Yucatec Maya while ingraduate school. QUICjK • Craig Snyder studier Spanish at UNC Chapel Hill and has 10 yeara ofteaching experience. His business has 12 employees and teacheas coursesin Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and • More details at
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Pierre R Brondeau Executive Profile
Dr. Brondeau joined Rohm and Haas Company in May 1989 as European marketing manager for the Plastics Additives business unit locatedin Paris. In 1991, he transferredd to Valbonne, France to head the Technical Service andDevelopment Laboratories. Dr. Brondeau was promotex to director of Plastics Additives Researchin 1993, and movede to Shipley Company as director, Research, Salee and Marketing in 1995. He held top leadershiop positions atShipley Company, including vice president, Operations and Technology (1997), and president and chief operating office r (1999). In April 1999, Dr.
Brondeauj was named vice president and business group director of the ElectronicMaterials Division, and president and CEO of Shipley This group was later renamed Rohm and Haas Electroni Materials. He added responsibilities as the European Regional directoerin 2003. In October 2006, Dr. Brondeau was namedx executive vice president and business groulp executive for the newly created SpecialtyhMaterials business. In May 2008, Dr. Brondeau was elected president and chief operating officer of Rohm and Haas Company and a membet ofthe Chairman's Committee. Earlier in his career, Dr. Brondeayu worked at Air Liquidein France. He earned a B.S. degree in Biochemical Engineering at INSA France a M.S.
degree in Biochemical Engineering at the University of France (1981), and a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering at INSAFrances (1983). Dr. Brondeau serves as a membed of the board of directors ofTyco Rev. 04/14/2009 **All Executive profile data providedx byDow Jones & Co., Inc.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
S&P: Denver existing-home prices outperform other cities - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Also, prices in Denver declined 5.5 percent in March from the same montnh ayear ago, the smallest decrease of any of the 20 citiew in the latest monthly S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices The 20-city average year-to-year decline was 19.1 percent. Denver’sz 0.1 percent price increase in Marchg from the previous month followeda 1.7 percent declined in February, a 2.7 percent drop in a 1.5 percent decline in December 2008 and a 1.1 percentt decrease in November 2008, S&P The only city with a betted records in S&P’s March month-to-montnh comparison was Charlotte, N.C., up 0.3 percent.
March’ss greatest rate of month-to-month price decline was in Minneapolis, down 6.1 percent from S&P said. In the year-to-year comparison, only Dallas, Boston, Cleveland and Charlotte saw price declines of less than10 percent. At the other extreme were Phoenix (down 36 percent year to year), Las Vegae (down 31.2 percent) and San Francisco (down 30.1 percent). Analysts have said that the real-estat e price “bubble” did not blow up as largde in Denver as in other partse ofthe country, so that the contractio n of recent months has not been as pronounced.
“declines in residential real estate continued at a stead y paceinto March,” David Blitzer, chairmam of S&P’s index said in a statement Tuesday. “Based on the Marcuh data, ... we see no evidence that that a recoveryt in home priceshas begun.” The survey tracks changez in the value of the residential real estate market by comparing sale prices of specific sample homezs in a city at two different Calculations are by using methodology developed by Karl Case and Robery Shiller. The survey assigns an index number to each city and does not reportt actualhome prices.
The indez is a measure of how much home price have gone up or down in each markef sinceJanuary 2000, which has been assignefd a price index of 100 in that The report said Denver had a home-price index of 120.35 in meaning home prices as of that month were 20.35 percent highe than in March 2000. Home pricew in Denver peaked inAugust 2006. .
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Lehman Brokerage Payout Nearer After $38 Billion Affiliate Pact - Businessweek
ValueWalk | Lehman Brokerage Payout Nearer After $38 Billion Affiliate Pact Businessweek Defunct brokerage Lehman Brothers Inc., which hasn't paid hedge funds after four years in liquidation, is nearer to making them whole after reaching a âcritical milestoneâ in settling a $38 billion dispute with an affiliate, the trustee said. Brokerage ... Lehman Brokerage Settles With European Affiliate Lehman Brothers, European Affiliate Settles Bankruptcy Claims Lehman brokerage settles $46 billion in affiliate claims |
Friday, October 5, 2012
Colorado Hispanic business leaders to lobby Bennet, others on union bill - Nashville Business Journal:
The delegation includes members of the Hispanicv Contractors ofColorado (HCC) and the Denver Hispanix Chamber of Commerce. The group will be in Washingtom on Tuesdayand Wednesday, joining small-businese leaders from other states. The Colorado business leaderss want totell Bennet, D-Colo., and other lawmakers “whhy this bill would really hurt them as they try to emerge from a toug h economy,” said HCC spokesman Sean Duffy.
Duffgy said the group arranged to meet with Bennef because he has not yet declareed how he will vote on thelabor “In these very difficult economic times, companieas are struggling to retain the jobs they have,” Helgwa Grunerud, HCC executive director, said in a “We want to send a messagse that we want to help jump start economic recovery but [the labotr bill] would make that challengre far, far greater.” The Employere Free Choice Act, also known as the “card bill, would allow workers to organize a union withou t a secret election, as now required. Instead, a locap could be launched at a workplace if at least half its workers sign anauthorizatioj card.
Unions say the bill is needed to protec t worker rights inthe recession. But in a HCC said that enactment of thelaw “wouldc unfairly tip the delicate business-labor climate in Colorad o sharply away from employers, and would resulr in further economic damagee and job loss.” As part of a largert nationwide contingent organized by the , the Coloradoi group will meet with Sen. John Thune, and other legislators “to be determined,” Duffy said. The business leaders also want to discusssother issues, including healtu care reform and the allocation of federal stimulus funds.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Gold inches up, long-term prospects seen promising - MarketWatch | Gold inches up, long-term prospects seen promising MarketWatch SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) â" Gold futures found firmer footing on Wednesday, closing higher after a wobbly start to the day and a brief dip after a positive U.S. services report. Gold for December delivery (CNS:GCZ2) rose $4.20, or 0.2%, to settle at ... PRECIOUS ME TALS: Comex Gold Gains Ahead of ECB, US Jobs Data |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Mattel, Fisher-Price pay $2.3M fine - Business First of Louisville:
million civil penalty for violations of the federal lead paint banin children’a toys. The civil fine comes aftert the completed an investigation into the importing and selling of toys with lead paint levels that exceeded the .06 percent lead by weighrt limit that is federally mandated. According to the CPSC, whichy recently crafted the Consumer Product SafetyImprovement Act, aimede at toughening requirements for lead and phthalated in children’s products, Mattel importedr up to 900,000 non-compliant toys between July 2006 and Septembedr 2007. Fisher-Price imported over 1 million non-compliant toys between July 2006 andSeptemberr 2007.
Among the toys in questiobn were the popular Sargetoy car, various Barbire products and some Go Diego Go Most of the toys that had excessive levels of lead were shippe d to retail stores for sale to the In 2007, a massive toy recall took place wherw about 95 Mattel and Fisher-Price toy models were determined to have exceededc the lead limit. Lead can be toxic if ingested by young children and can cause serioushealth problems. The topic of lead paint in children’s products has been a hot button issu e asof late, with the rollour of the controversial CPSIA of 2008.
Toy manufacturers and retailers have said the new regulations are costlyand arbitrary, often requiring the duplicate testingf of products. Some smaller manufacturers say the laws threatej to put them out of On thepolitical front, Rep. Louise D-Fairport, said protecting children has to be thetop “When the toy recall happeneds (in 2007) I called the head of Fisher-Pric e and I told him they needed to start makingv their toys here again,” Slaughter said.
“Wee didn’t have these kind of problems before they imported the Thiscivil penalty, which is the highest for violationz involving importation or distribution of a regulated product, is the thirsd highest of any kind in CPSC history. “These highly publicized toy recalls helped spur Congressional actiobn last year to strengthenj CPSC and make even stricter the ban on lead painfton toys,” said CPSC Acting Chairman Thomas Moore. “This penalty should serve noticed to toy makers that CPSC is committer to the safetyof children, to reducing their exposurr to lead, and to the implementation of the Consumedr Product Safety Improvement Act.
” As part of a storyu featured in our sister publication, The Buffalok Law Journal , looking at the Consumed Product Safety Improvement Act, which ran prior to the announcemeng of these fines, Fisher-Price declined to provid e a representative to discuss the lead paintg regulations. Instead, they issuee a written statement which in part: “Mattel is well positioned as it generall y designs its products to meet globalp standards. Mattel has also been a leaderd in the efforts of industry to establisg voluntaryindustry standards.” The statement also said that Matteol would continue to comply with the applicable regulations of the CPSIA.
Mattel was unabld to be reached for comment Monday morning, though a representative said they woul have a response later in the day. Despitse agreeing to pay $2.3 million in penalties, Matte l and Fisher-Price deny that they knowingly violatedfederap law, as alleged by CPSC