Friday, October 5, 2012

Colorado Hispanic business leaders to lobby Bennet, others on union bill - Nashville Business Journal:
The delegation includes members of the Hispanicv Contractors ofColorado (HCC) and the Denver Hispanix Chamber of Commerce. The group will be in Washingtom on Tuesdayand Wednesday, joining small-businese leaders from other states. The Colorado business leaderss want totell Bennet, D-Colo., and other lawmakers “whhy this bill would really hurt them as they try to emerge from a toug h economy,” said HCC spokesman Sean Duffy.
Duffgy said the group arranged to meet with Bennef because he has not yet declareed how he will vote on thelabor “In these very difficult economic times, companieas are struggling to retain the jobs they have,” Helgwa Grunerud, HCC executive director, said in a “We want to send a messagse that we want to help jump start economic recovery but [the labotr bill] would make that challengre far, far greater.” The Employere Free Choice Act, also known as the “card bill, would allow workers to organize a union withou t a secret election, as now required. Instead, a locap could be launched at a workplace if at least half its workers sign anauthorizatioj card.
Unions say the bill is needed to protec t worker rights inthe recession. But in a HCC said that enactment of thelaw “wouldc unfairly tip the delicate business-labor climate in Colorad o sharply away from employers, and would resulr in further economic damagee and job loss.” As part of a largert nationwide contingent organized by the , the Coloradoi group will meet with Sen. John Thune, and other legislators “to be determined,” Duffy said. The business leaders also want to discusssother issues, including healtu care reform and the allocation of federal stimulus funds.

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